35 adverbs to describe how to prosperous

It was, of course, an exceedingly prosperous country, a fact manifest in the substantial little towns, if not in the crude and unpretentious homes of the farmers.

His business had been decidedly prosperous, he had married into a respectable family, and his wife was popular.

For several years the potato yield had been abundant, the country was comparatively prosperous, and the temperance movement led by Father Mathew promised a happier future.

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: Throughout the year since our last meeting the country has been eminently prosperous in all its material interests.

He had gone to Montreal many years ago, and had been moderately prosperous there as a wine-seller in a small way.

Were I a pauper, I would not venture to present myself before you at all; but as a tolerably prosperous trader, with the ability to propose an alliance that should be to our mutual advantage, I considered I might fairly approach you.

All the insurrections which had given him so much trouble were suppressed, and the country was unusually prosperous.

During Emmy's poverty Mrs. Bullock had never thought about coming to see her; but now that she was decently prosperous in the world, her sister-in-law came to her as a matter of course.

So all things look mighty prosperous.

Afterwards I walked through the country town of Pâho, which is built of stone, and seemingly prosperous.

But this ought not to surprise us in the present case: for our lot, until of late, has been singularly prosperous, and great prosperity enfeebles men's spirits, and prepares them to despond when it shall have passed away.

From being exceptionally prosperous, the people of the district have become poor.

"The fellow is obviously prosperous, since he's spending a large sum on draining.

The Catholics accuse the Protestants, of not only giving birth to rationalism, in their desire to extend liberality of mind, but of fostering a material life in their ambition to be outwardly prosperous.

It may perhaps have been true in the days of Machiavelli that cruelty and treachery would aid the unscrupulous petty despot of Italy to secure and at times to maintain his dukedom; but certainly in modern days, when in all civilized countries permanently prosperous government is based ultimately upon the will of the people, the successful ruler can no longer be treacherous and cruel.

Hitherto he had been attended by a fortune perpetually prosperous.

French and German in the case of the English, and English in the case of the French and Russians, are essentially governess languages; any intelligent boy or girl from a reasonably prosperous home ought to be able to read, write, and speak either before fifteen; they are to be taken by the way rather than regarded as a fundamental part of education.

There was something so reassuringly prosperous and respectable in their bearing that after a moment's hesitation Nunez stood forward as conspicuously as possible upon his rock, and gave vent to a mighty shout that echoed round the valley.

They are, in their own degree, remarkably prosperous and comfortable; and they have the good sense to be content with their condition.

Practically and as a matter of history, a society is seldom at the same time successfully energetic both in temporals and spirituals; seldom prosperous alike in seeking abstract truth and nursing the political spirit.

This has not been a spiritually prosperous daypassed just to my taste, much in reading, but not much, I fear, with the Lord.

" As he spoke, the horse, now going at a fairly respectable rate, turned into the main street of the town; a main street, thriftily prosperous but now somewhat a-doze in the sun.

But can you point to a single merchant among your acquaintances whose career has been uniformly prosperous?

Paternalism ends in a social hierarchy, materially prosperous, but caste-ridden and without soul.

He was elaborately dressed, and the shiny silk hat which he deposited on the table looked aggressively prosperous.

35 adverbs to describe how to  prosperous  - Adverbs for  prosperous