143 adverbs to describe how to protested

Telly protested loudly.

Comte de Pontecoulant went with me and he protested vigorously, but one of the head men of the police, whom he knew well, came up to the carriage to explain that nothing could be done.

"I assure you, sir, that I am altogether ignorant of any act, and I can solemnly protest against any intention, to give offence.

The men were convicted, but this young man vehemently protested his innocence, and declared that he was not with the gang that night.

"Don't get that idea of him," he protested earnestly.

I protested feebly.

" "Wasn't it because you wanted him to?" "I should think you'd be the last man to say that," she protested indignantly.

he protested faintly.

"You've heard nothing about it?" "Not a wordnot a hint," protested Page eagerly.

Caroline protested stoutly, and yet with a care for Sarah's sensitiveness.

Thou hast done some bishoping in thy time, peradventure?" Euschemon energetically protested that he had been on earth but a simple laic, which was indeed the fact, and was also the reason why Eulogius and Eucherius despised him, but which, though he did not think it needful to tell the demon, he found a singular relief under present circumstances.

Representative Arbey was warmly protesting.

The unfortunate occupants of the "Main-top," who were still in the position of scapegoats, were hunted round the place by an indignant mob, and fled, vainly protesting their innocence, from one shelter to another, until they finally escaped from the playing field into the open country, where they hid behind hedges for the remainder of the afternoon.

For the present I confine myself to formally protesting against your Holiness's unprecedented and parricidal conduct in invading your country at the head of an army of loathsome vermin.

She thought he was merely protesting against her going alone.

In a whisper that carried with it the feeling of a caress Marie added softly: "My love?" The young man protested miserably.

" "Your pardon, M. le Juge, you are too severe," protested M. Floçon, quite humbly.

she protested angrily.

" "It wasn't my nerves," I protested, a little hotly.

"He ain't a hulk," protested Pete somewhat sharply, and the heart of Bull warmed again.

As long ago as in 1839, whilst we protested openly and fully against what we termed at the time the "strange and lamentable" publication of Mr. Froude's "Remains," we declared our hope that "the publication of the Oxford Tracts was a very seasonable and valuable contribution to the cause both of the Church and the State."

But though our young lady protested so emphatically against assuming any unusual charms for the entertainment of their expected visitor, she none the less devoted no small consideration to that very thing that she had so exclaimed against.

They were sung in Spain, when Mr. Canning, though he was too wise to undertake the task of going single-handed to war for the purposewhen Mr. Canning firmly and resolutely protested against the French invasion of that country under the Bourbon restoration.

Such a Federation would not have been very different from the amalgamation with Piedmont which the other States had just proposed of their own accord; and consequently the Emperor of the French could not well protest against Lord John's proposals without repudiating all his earlier negotiations.

As the older spectators realized what was afoot a growl of dissent rolled up and down the street; and a stout, red-faced matron, shrilly protesting, ran out into the road and cuffed the boys until they broke and scattered.

143 adverbs to describe how to  protested  - Adverbs for  protested