14 adverbs to describe how to rack

You restless islanders, who are continually racking imagination to perfect the art of moving from one place to another, and who can drop asleep in a carriage and wake at an hundred mile distance, have no notion of all the difficulties of a day's journey here.

The mother at last fell back upon her pillow, her eyes shining with the joy of a great relief, while the father was seized with a fit of coughing that cruelly racked his gaunt frame and left him weak but smiling.

No; in spite of the change that has come over the spirit of our landin spite of the rust that eats into men's souls, eternally racked with thoughts of gain and trafficin spite of the cursed poison insidiously dropped beneath the cottage eaves, by reckless, needy demagogues, I trust my native land, and still believe, that on her lap she cherishes whole bands of faithful children, and firm patriots.

The girl held out, though the jolting and shaking racked her excruciatingly and the pull of the reins seemed to drag the very flesh from her bones.

Four of the boxes rested crosswise upon the flat wagon-bed and the other three were racked lengthwise on top of them.

The months of March and April rack very low in their rain-fall in comparison with any point situated along the same thermal lines; while May is scarce up to the average, but yet sufficient to supply the seeds and grasses with all the moisture required.

Great sheets of it hung in the lodges and on the racks outside; and now the women, having cut up all the meat, were working on the hides, preparing some for robes, and scraping the hair from others, to make leather.

This old man, worn down by fever, endured all these causes of anguish and many others that came to rack him more painfully than his grievous wound.

His hat was fiercely cocked; his gestures swaggering and insolent; and he was perpetually racking his brain to invent new and extra-ordinary oaths.

He first racks them soundly himself, and then delivers them to the lawyer for execution.

Amid this tumult, and amid billows of mist which concealed the bottom of the precipice, and masses of clouds which racked tearfully over their heads, the roar of the descending waters rather resembled the fall of cataracts than the rushing of torrents of rain.

A thin man, racking thin; a forward-thrusting neck and a bony face and a sad and drooping moustache about his mouth.

Thus Rack, bluntly.

Vainly, as he watched and waited, he racked his mind to find some reason for the murderous attack on himself.

14 adverbs to describe how to  rack  - Adverbs for  rack