350 adverbs to describe how to raise

He heard his father's voice once, raised high in stormy wrath, then all was still again.

"Don't you hear the rattle of the anchor chains?" "Gentlemen, as we're forbidden to make too much racket," proposed irrepressible Dan, "let us give three silent cheers for Old England!" Rising in his place, Dan raised his hand aloft, and brought it down, as his lips silently formed a "hurrah!"

After seven years of dictatorial power, he is once more reduced to the level upon which we saw him standing in 1818, a vagabond at Buenos Ayres, although from that level he may raise his head a trifle higher.

His eyes have a terribly startled expression in themhis hand trembles so that he can scarcely raise a cup of tea to his lips.

But the coal accumulated upon the area covered by one of the great forests of the carboniferous epoch would in course of time, have been wasted away by the small, but constant, wear and tear of rain and streams had the land which supported it remained at the same level, or been gradually raised to a greater elevation.

" Whitey made a move, but finally merely raised his hand and rubbed his chin.

In some states it is held that a person who leaves space in an obligation wherein the amount can readily be raised, is bound to stand the loss caused by his negligence.

The forces sent into America, my lords, were newly raised, placed under the direction of officers not less ignorant than themselves, and commanded by a man who never had commanded any troops before; and who, however laudable he might have discharged the duty of a captain, was wholly unacquainted with the province of a general.

"France," proclaimed Tellier, raising his chin proudly, "is always on the side of justice and decency.

It must not be omitted here, that the salary of Keeper of the Records in Ireland was considerably raised, and that post bestowed upon him at this time, as a mark of the Queen's favour.

Neddy's face was turned away; he threw himself on to the bag, rose to his feet, raised it cautiously, and holding it in front of him with both his handsits weight was fully as much as he could managewas round the curve of the Tower and out of sight with it in an instant.

'His Majesty's Royal Highland Regiment of Emigrants,' which subsequently became the 84th Foot, now known as the 2nd York and Lancaster, was hastily raised in 1775 from the Highland veterans who had settled in the American colonies after the Peace of 1763.

Involuntarily she raised her hand, trained by the years of pinching economy, to lift the fragile rose into a safer position.

The sorrow and pain entailed by fidelity to the Christian ideal is, on the whole, immeasurably less in the vast majority of cases than that attendant on the struggles of unqualified selfishness, while the capacities for the higher happiness are steadily raised and largely satisfied by hope and even by some degree of present fruition.

Why, you're a good cook" Billie raised a cushion threateningly in the air.

Loose earth underfoot warned them not to stumble over the new-raised mound beside the pit, which yawned slightly blacker than the night.

He very seldom raised the lids, and his pallor, though owning more of the golden touch of the sun, was as dazzling as Mrs. Laudersdale's own.

De Chauxville raised his arm sharply, and at the same instant Steinmetz threw a book in his face.

Noaks charged viciously, and in a blind fit of temper deliberately raised his fist and struck the other player in the face.

Still the undercut is best eaten when hot; consequently, the carver himself may raise the joint, and cut some slices from the under side, in the direction of from 1 to 2, as the fillet is very much preferred by some eaters.

He merely wished me "sdravstvuite" raised his hat politely and disappeared.

Scrooge raised his head speedily, on hearing his own name.

At the place there was subsequently raised a tope, which is still existing.

Here be two pieces of gold, 'tis my allyet take them and yield me his life!" Hereupon the men fell to muttering together doubtfully, but in this moment the grizzled man of a sudden raised a knotted fist and shook it in the air.

I hope every day, as it adds to their experience, will diminish that ardour which is generally the effect of imperfect views, which is commonly raised by partial considerations, and ends in inconsiderate undertakings.

350 adverbs to describe how to  raise  - Adverbs for  raise