45 adverbs to describe how to rapid

Her advance to the front rank of English singers was exceedingly rapid, and her position amongst us was long since made secure.

On the north half of the range the striated and polished surfaces are less common, not only because this part of the chain is lower, but because the surface rocks are chiefly porous lavas subject to comparatively rapid waste.

Dr. Brandegee made wonderfully rapid work of it; and his several assistants seemed to know exactly what to do.

By a remarkably rapid march he reached Yorkshire in four days, and took the Norse King and his confederates by surprise.

Looking out at the landscape, I was conscious again, of a blurring sort of 'flitter,' that came either from the light of the ponderous-swinging sun-stream, or was the result of the incredibly rapid changes of the earth's surface.

The land was in every respect ripe for revolution, and the success of Abu-Abdallah esh-Shii, the new missionary, was extraordinarily rapid.

The consequence of this perfect and singularly rapid digestion is an unprecedented proneness to obesity, a process of fattening that, once commenced, goes on with such rapid development, that, in a short time, it loses all form, depositing such an amount of fat, that it in fact ceases to have any refuse part or offal, and, beyond the hair on its back and the callous extremity of the snout, the whole carcase is eatable.

The Tenth Corps, which had made an astonishingly rapid advance of course, was attacked on Sunday.

Sometimes I hoped, but more often I despaired; his fall seemed to me fearfully rapid, though now the three years seem to have been interminable.

Hoarseness does not usually attend a common cold in the child, and these symptoms may be premonitory of an attack of "croup;" a disease excessively rapid in its progress, and which, from the importance of the parts affected, carrying on, as they do, a function indispensably necessary to life, requires the most prompt and decided treatment.

By degrees, certainly, the inconceivably rapid and mighty extension of the Carthaginian power in Spain could not but excite the observation and awaken the apprehensions of the Romans.

The strangling coil of rope which shut off the wind of Alcatraz had also kept any water from passing into his lungs, and as the air now began to come back and the reviving oxygen reached his blood, his recovery was amazingly rapid.

The lower rapid of the Coho hardly deserves its name.

Where "sweating" exists in large factories or large shops, effective combination even among workers of low education may be tolerably rapid; among workers engaged by some large firm whose work brings them only into occasional contact, the progress will be not so fast; among workers in small unrelated workshops who have no opportunities of direct intercourse with one another, the progress will be extremely slow.

The progress of the complaint was uncommonly rapid, and terminated fatally on the 27th of April, 1794.

The manifestations upon the table, with which we commenced, were unusually rapid and lively.

A prodigal land policy put a premium upon a wastefully rapid extension of the farming area.

They appeared to move very much as a wooden whale might be supposed to move down a mighty rapid, roiling and plunging and borne along irresistibly by the current.

But afterwards, the river, rendered more than ordinarily rapid by continual rains, drove the casks by a cross current to the bank which the enemy were guarding; there they were discovered sticking among the osiers which grew along the banks; and, it being reported to Hannibal, from that time the watches were kept more strictly, that nothing sent to the city by the Vulturnus might escape notice.

When the highly-civilized community, representing the ripest political ideas of England, was planted in America, removed from the manifold and complicated checks we have just been studying in the history of the Old World, the growth was portentously rapid and steady.

He did not stammer, nor was there other impediment; only this preternaturally rapid outpouring on occasion, from a man usually quiet.

But, in addition to these movements, and independently of them, the granules are driven, in relatively rapid streams, through channels in the protoplasm which seem to have a considerable amount of persistence.

When a country begins to grow, its mental development is often startlingly rapid.

If the earlier guests had been surprisingly rapid in their consumption of the dinner, these later ones were startlingly so.

He came a little seldomer, and by degrees which seemed to her terribly rapid, more and more seldom.

45 adverbs to describe how to  rapid  - Adverbs for  rapid