7 adverbs to describe how to redressed

Injuries must be legally proved before they can be legally redressed: to deprive men of the power of proving their injuries, is itself the greatest of all injuries; for it not only exposes to all, but invites them, by a virtual guarantee of impunity, and is thus the author of all injuries.

That all government is instituted for the happiness of the people, that their interest ought to be the chief care of the legislature, that their complaints ought patiently to be heard, and their grievances speedily redressed, are truths well known, generally acknowledged, and, I hope, always predominant in the mind of every lord in this assembly.

Henceforth the single redress for the English of this capital oversight, but which never could have redressed it effectually, wasto vitiate and taint the coronation of Charles VII.

Henceforth the single redress for the English of this capital oversight, but which never could have redressed it effectually, wasto vitiate and taint the coronation of Charles VII.

You never made a complaint that was not listened to with patience; you never exhibited a real grievance that was not redressed as promptly as it could be.

Yours is the power to redress wrong, to defend the weak, to succor the needy, to relieve the suffering, to confound the oppressor.

In this voyage Drake had adventured almost all his fortune, which he in vain endeavoured to recover, both by his own private interest, and by obtaining letters from queen Elizabeth; for the Spaniards, deaf to all remonstrances, either vindicated the injustice of the viceroy, or, at least, forbore to redress it.

7 adverbs to describe how to  redressed  - Adverbs for  redressed