23 adverbs to describe how to reeled

But, in spite of all, the square was still reeling swiftly backwards, trying to shake itself clear of this torment which clung to its heart.

But she gave no sign of hearing him; and seeing her reel backward into a chair, with pale lips and closing eyes, he hastened to summon Tulee.

he who his unglad Task ever plies 'mid rotatory burnings, That round and round incalculably reel For wrath divine hath made him like a wheel

The old babbled of Marlborough's wars, of the entrance of Prince Eugene into London, of choirs draped in flags, and steeples reeling giddily for Ramillies and Blenheim.

So waxed the fight closer, fiercer; griping hands fumbled at mailed throats and men, locked in desperate grapple, fell and were lost 'neath the press; but forward went the tattered banner, on and on until, checking, it reeled dizzily, dipped, swayed and vanished; but Roger had seen and sprang in with darting point.

With a creak and a thud the big car landed, reeled drunkenly, and straightened out in earnest, Maclaren craned his head to see the speedometer, but had not the heart to look; he began to curse softly, steadily.

My immortal spirit likewise is reeling, And I reel in company, and, joyously reeling, Leads me upstairs and into the daylight That excellent Town-Cellar Master of Bremen.

Double flutes and horns resound As they dance the idol round; Jacob's daughters, madly reeling, Whirl about the golden calf.

Buck Daniels, still gasping for breath, stood reeling nearby.

Gaw damn ye! Haw, haw, aw!"and reeled onward, brimful of spirituous good-nature.

From time to time the author plainly reels to and fro like a drunken man.

Even Seppings, Aunt Dahlia's butler, a cold, unemotional man, had gasped and practically reeled when Tuppy waved aside those nonnettes de poulet Agnès Sorel, while the footman, standing by with the potatoes, had stared like one seeing a vision.

Slowly, but steadily, I reeled him to my hand.

Under this tremendous pressure the car jumped like a nervous horse, lurched drunkenly down the short way, but reeled successfully around the turn at the bottom.

After reeling uncertainly for a moment, he obtained command of his muscles, straightened up, and stood rigid.

The man staggered back, reeled unsteadily and toppled over the side of the boat with a cry.

" She held him close around the neck and twined her limbs about his till he tripped and stumbled, reeled violently to recover footing, tripped again, and fell backward to the ground.

The firmest buildings reeled visibly, walls crumbled, and beams snapped in two.

Yet, looking back,now that this famed Count of Poictesme means less to me,why, I seem to see only the strivings of an ape reft of his tail, and grown rusty at climbing, who has reeled blunderingly from mystery to mystery, with pathetic makeshifts, not understanding anything, greedy in all desires, and always honeycombed with poltroonery.

How carelessly he reeled off their names!

Now falling headlong from his mountain bed Down sulph'rous space, o'er dismal lakes; Now held by hand of airon wings of lead He tries to risegaspingthe hands' hold breaks, And downward he reels through shadows of the dead, Who cannot die though stalking in hell's flakes, Falling, he catches his heart-string on some hook, andwakes.

Once more the chestnut started, reeling heavily in his lope.

" "IIthink I canah!" Dick reeled helplessly and would have sunk under the water, if Jones had not caught him.

23 adverbs to describe how to  reeled  - Adverbs for  reeled