55 adverbs to describe how to reigns

During the last month of summer it reigns supreme in the swamps west of Hoboken, the August Emperor of all the Rushes, and persons of an apoplectic turn, who wish to have their surplus blood determined to the surface instead of to the head, will do well to seek the hygienic insect there.

Deioces reigned fifty-three years wisely and well, bequeathing the kingdom he had founded to his son Phraortes, under whom Media became independent of Assyria.

So she took the sceptre, and reigned gloriously.

The emperors reigned despotically, but under the forms of legislation.

Mademoiselle de Scudéry, Madame de la Sablière, and Madame de Longueville followed the precedents established by Madame de Rambouillet and Madame de Maintenon, and successively reigned as queens of society,that is, of chosen circles of those who were most celebrated in France,raising the intellectual tone of society, and inspiring increased veneration for woman herself.

Thou wilt therefore next repair to the city of Constantinople, bearing recommendatory letters from me to the Empress Theophano, now happily reigning.

The effect of this submission on the part of Waally, was to establish Ooroony more strongly than ever in authority, and to give him a chance of reigning peacefully for the remainder of his days.

And steadily reigning throughout the ship, like the very spirit of death, was that aroma of peach-blossom.

The summer at length reigned lordly in the land.

"You forget that while Henry of Lancaster lives no other man can ever hope to reign tranquilly in these islands.

This is the pomp and paraphernalia of parting, with which I take my leave of a passion which has reigned so royally (so long) within me; thus, with its trappings of laureateship, I fling it off, pleased and satisfied with myself that the weakness troubles me no longer.

Louis reigned peaceably and prosperously for six years before the ambition of being a conqueror and a hero seized him.

O Father, that we ask be done, Through Jesus Christ, Thine only Son; Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee, Doth live and reign eternally.

Between the Indians and the white men peace nominally reigned, but rumors were flying of impending uprisings, and the Red Man's smouldering hate was soon to burst into the flame known as Lord Dunmore's War.

She, who could reign so imperially in tragedy, had glided back to her better-loved kingdom of comedy, and what cared her captivated hearers if this self-same epilogue made an inharmonious ending to a serious play.

The voices instantly ceased, and for a moment a deathlike silence reigned inside.

Asiatics divide the world into seven climes; so to reign over the seven climes means, metaphorically, to reign over the whole world; king of the seven climes was one of the titles of the Mogul emperors.

V. Albion, loved of gods and men, Prince of Peace too mildly reigning, Cease thy sorrow and complaining, Thou shalt be restored again: Albion, loved of gods and men.

Outside, towards the end of the street that opened on to the quay, great animation reigned.

A ghastly stillness reigned outsideexcept when it was merely accentuated by the occasional sound of hurried steps along the street at the top of the lane.

The coup d'état having succeeded, zeal reigned paramount.

I was a prisoner in the house of Basil Bainrothe (while he, perchance, reigned lordly in my own); that house whose hidden arcana I had never explored, and which, beyond its parlor and exterior, was to me as the dwelling of a stranger.

"The women's court is situated at the back of the houses, where darkness reigns perpetually."

Out over that western skyline was a spot, now hidden and defended by all the powers of Satan, where the Ten Tribes would be restored, where Zion would be rebuilt, where Christ would reign personally on earth a thousand years, and from whence the earth would be renewed and receive again its paradisiac glory.

These irregularities in the case of the consuls occurred through practically his entire reign.

55 adverbs to describe how to  reigns  - Adverbs for  reigns