6 adverbs to describe how to remedied

In 1892 I found the wife of a very dear Spanish friend dying from an ailment which in the United States could have been promptly and certainly remedied by a surgical operation.

If the jackets proved too tight across the shoulders, which they invariably were, a slit down the back effectually remedied the defect.

The evil was partially remedied by the institution of legal assessors, selected from the most learned jurisconsults.

The previous woeful lack of hospital facilities has been effectively remedied.

On the Continent we find the evils we complain of partially remedied by national costumes; but these are fast diminishing, and are only to be found in all their perfection in those parts into which the railways have not yet penetrated.

In principle this objection is sound, tho experience may show that this evil has been practically remedied by other features of the Federal Reserve Act.

6 adverbs to describe how to  remedied  - Adverbs for  remedied