538 adverbs to describe how to replies

He replied promptly: "Yes, yes, very hot, very cold, very hot, very cold."

" "I thank you, sir," replied M. Pigot, gravely.

"Do you know, Gordon Pasha," said the king, "that I could kill you on the spot if I liked?" "I am perfectly aware of it," replied Gordon calmly; "so do it, if it is your royal pleasure.

"Seeing that it is useless I have no right to ask its continuance," she replied almost coldly, "nor to expect you to involve yourself in myin our worries.

"I am driving over in my own trap," he replied coolly, ignoring the other's intent.

" "Passed as 'fresh-water' on the Great Lakes," replied Slade briefly.

'Certainly,' replied his father, carelessly.

" "Don't do it, old fel" "I've thought that over, and I feel that I must," replied Dave firmly.

He amuses me,' Edith replied softly. 'Oh, does he?...

"I'm glad to see you've made friends with him," replied the lawyer, earnestly.

"Future Mrs. BUMSTEAD," he cheerfully replies, at last, "my observation and knowledge of the women of America teach me that there never was a wife going to Indiana for a divorce, who had not at first sworn to love, as well as honor and obey, her husband.

Wasn't it just about ten o'clock?" "No, monsieur," she replied sadly.

" "He means to," Kelson replied rather grimly.

"I hope then," I eagerly replied, "I shall have the delight of hearing, on this occasion, the most eloquent of our English Bishops."

"Settin' in thar, readin' a book," replied Beulah Catlett curtly.

We were risking our lives foolishly, and when the old soldier spoke of making a circle from that point, in a tone which told that he was very well contented with himself and what he had done, I lost my temper, and replied, sharply: "Ay, we have got through the lines safely because of the storm, which was a lucky chance in our favor, and one we could not have foreseen when you were so foolish as to propose that we go back to-night.

Sergeant Corney said, sadly, and the sentinel replied, angrily: "It is only common sense and a desire to aid the Cause.

The deputies would call out: "Allez! allez!" interspersed with a few lively criticisms on what he was saying to them; he was perfectly unmoved, merely replied: "I will go on with pleasure as soon as you will be quiet enough for me to be heard."

" I would have replied yet more bitterly than before, but for the fact that at the moment it so chanced my eyes were fixed upon the lodge wherein our comrade had said his father was held prisoner, and I saw the flap pulled cautiously aside.

" "Why, it hadn't struck me afore," replied the youth, modestly.

" Dr. Shuro, who had manifested his impatience at this long harangue, by frequent interruptions, and which Dridrano's show of deference could scarcely keep down, hastily replied: "You have manifestly taken the hint of your theory from me; and because I have advanced the doctrine that disease is an unit, you come forward now, and insist that remedy is an unit too.

" "I hope not," replied Darrin evasively.

"We haven't considered that as yet, sir," replied Thursday thoughtfully.

"We have seen every one of their camps, eh?" "Of course," Jacob replied, impatiently.

"In the circumstances, as your statement will consist mainly of a slander against me and my dead brother," Henshaw replied sullenly, "I prefer to keep out of the business for the present.

538 adverbs to describe how to  replies  - Adverbs for  replies