32 adverbs to describe how to revolts

Sir Beverley gloried in the boy though he still flattered himself that no one suspected the fact, and still believed that his rule was a rule of stern discipline under which Piers might chafe but against which he would never openly revolt.

Mrs Damerel mistook this action for indifference, and in her sincere desire for the girl's welfare, urgednot for the first timeplans and sentiments which, though well meant, were utterly revolting to Lucy.

"The manner of treating the sick slaves, and especially in chronic cases, was to my mind peculiarly revolting.

There was something so exceedingly revolting to me in the whole affair, that even Grace's holy weakness failed to sanctify the act in my eyes; at least so far as Rupert was concerned.

East Indian girls may be more docile than American girls; East Indian men may be better and wiser lords and masters; but "Ada" is a Human Being before she is an East Indian; and a Human Being instinctively revolts from a life passed in leading strings.

She felt sick, physically revolted.

Consequently some revolted from him and went on an embassy to Tiberius, asking a king for themselves from among those serving as hostages.

She had, moreover, a look of mingled cunning and ferocity inexpressibly revolting.

Eveena herself naturally resented the peril, and was revolted by the treason even more intensely than myself; and was for once hardly content that so heinous a crime should be so lightly visited.

The few scattered friends and relatives, whose sympathies had been moved by the melancholy fate of poor Mrs. Marston, were unanimously agreed that the intended removal of the young and innocent daughter to the polluted mansion of sin and shame, was too intolerably revolting to be permitted.

The ingenuous character of Emily did not allow her once to suspect Grimes of intending to make an ungenerous and brutal advantage of these circumstances; but her mind involuntarily revolted against the idea of committing herself, alone, to the disposal of a man, whom she had lately been accustomed to consider as the instrument of her treacherous relation.

Though Margaret had at first revolted inwardly against the details of her professional surroundings, she had grown used to them by sure and fatal degrees, and things that would once have disgusted her were indifferent to her now.

As I contemplated the suspense of these twenty-four hours, I revolted madly for the first time against the restrictions of my prison.

" The lower teeth and gum, says one witness, are left quite naked; another says that the plug "distorts every feature in the lower part of the face"; a third that an old woman, the wife of a chief, had a lip "ornament" so large "that by a peculiar motion of her under-lip she could almost conceal her whole face with it"; and a fourth gives a description of this "abominably revolting spectacle," which is too nauseating to quote.

He made no rash attempt, to which commanders are sometimes induced by reliance upon the enthusiasm of a newly revolted people.

When you go to Philadelphia, Miss Effingham, you will see an instance of a most ludicrous natureludicrous, if there were not something painfully revolting mingled with itof the manner in which men can strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; and which, I am sorry to say, is immediately connected with our own church.

Sometimes, too, the end is positively revolting, as in Lessing's Emilia Galotti, which sends the spectators home in a temper.

Overhead a skylight with dingy panes diffused a dull blue glimmer which discovered a yawning door at her elbow, a pocket of black mystery beyond, and on the uppermost steps of the staircase her patient yellow shadow, his upturned eyes inscrutable but potentially revolting with their very concealment of the intent behind them.

32 Epidaurus, a maritime city of Dalmatia, Ragusa Ep[=i]rus, a country in Greece, between Macedonia, Achaia, and the Ionian Sea, by some now called Albania inferior Eporedorix, treacherously revolts from Caesar, G. vii.

Human sacrifices were offered in India at the very period when Abraham was a wanderer in Palestine; and though human nature ultimately revolted from this cruelty, the sacrifice of substitute-animals continued from generation to generation as oblations to the gods, and is still continued by Brahminical priests.

"What, after all, is there so unbearably revolting about spitting?

" Dade threw out both hands in disgust with the idea; revolted unexpectedly at the thought of being accused of failing to back his friendship with money as well as with every fiber of his loyal being, and turned sourly to Bill.

If we subdue them for the present, they will universally revolt in the next war, and resign us, without pity, to subjection and destruction.

There was something in that ghastly masquerade so horrible, so unspeakably revolting, that a shiver of pure fear touched me in every nerve.

O uncle you have wounded your selfe in charging me that I should shun Iudgement as a monster, if it would not weepe; I place the poore felicity of this World in a woorthy friend, and to see him so unworthily revolted, I shed not the teares of my Brayne, but the teares of my soule.

32 adverbs to describe how to  revolts  - Adverbs for  revolts