74 adverbs to describe how to rewarding

"Do your best, my man, and if you can help us out of this bog you shall be amply rewarded.

He had ever been a warm defender of James II, and upon this monarch's accession was liberally rewarded.

He will drink it and perish, and thou wilt be richly rewarded by his successor.

Then I took her to wife, not forgetting to reward Mr. Barton handsomely in the day of his ruin.

From it the expenses of the trip were paid, and the sailors who had aided in the search were suitably rewarded.

But Bismarck decided that this combination was the safest in Germany's interest: so he set to work to play upon Austria's fear of Russia, and to embroil Italy with France in North Africa; and his manoeuvres were duly rewarded.

His satisfaction, however, did not arise from the circumstance of the marriage, and the new connection it established, but from the opportunity it afforded him of betraying Jemshíd, and treacherously sending him bound to Zohák, which he intended to do, in the hopes of being magnificently rewarded.

"When thou prayest," says our Lord, "enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

To the credit of the king, he saw the excellence of the new system, at once adopted it, and generously rewarded its authors.

It is true, we have not a rich collection of ancient speeches; but we have every reason to believe that both Greeks and Romans were most severely trained in the art of public speaking, and that forensic eloquence was highly prized and munificently rewarded.

" "It may be indefinitely postponed, as it would scarcely reward the trouble of an inquiry.

My only object in the matter is to see that this boy, whom I firmly believe to be Robert Burnham's son, is restored to his family and estates, and that this old man, who has saved the lad's life, and has spent and endured much for him through many years, is adequately rewarded in his old age.

My lord loves her to distraction, and will abundantly reward you.

Speaking of Reynart the Fox, I was made, by a slip of the printer's handI am accustomed to seeing slips from his hand, which is quite another thingto say that this mediæval romance "presents a truer picture of life than novels in which vice is punished and virtue patiently rewarded."

In this thou hast done a great service unto King Arthur, so if thou wilt come with us to the court of King Arthur, he will doubtless reward thee very bountifully for what thou hast done.

But he quickly recovered, and announced that everybody concerned should be nobly rewarded.

If I die, the nurse will get nothingif I am cured, she shall be proportionately rewarded.

After endeavouring, in vain, to establish an intercourse with the Moors for the redemption of the prisoners, Alphonzo Gonzales returned to Sagres with a cargo of skins and the Moorish prisoners, and was honourably rewarded by his discerning master.

Why, there's my cloak and hat to keep thee warm; Thy cap and jerkin will serve me to ride in By the way; thou hast wind and tide; take oars; My lady will reward thee royally.

Curiosity is naturally excited, their volumes after long inquiry are found, but seldom reward the labour of the search.

"Thou shalt see that I can as promptly reward those that serve me, as thou shalt presently feel I can severely punish those that seek to injure me.

Multitudes of the survivors have been subsequently rewarded, at least partially, by pensions.

Mochuda said to him:"Brother, you have suffered great pain; as a reward thereof take now you choiceyour restoration to bodily health or spiritual health by immediate departure hence to eternal life."

His generosity and perseverance deserve to be commended; and happily, when the collection appeared in volumes, were amply rewarded.

And believe me, my dear friend, believe what I say to you, one minute of future happiness will infinitely reward you for all your sufferings.

74 adverbs to describe how to  rewarding  - Adverbs for  rewarding