5 adverbs to describe how to rouging

When she took her seat in the dining-hall, and was asked if she would be helped, raising her eyes, she saw the person who asked her was deeply rouged, with a bright glaring spot, perfectly round, in either cheek.

A little ragged finery fluttered in the wind about her hair, and her cheeks had been heavily rouged that same afternoon.

She swept her whole face with a white lotion, rouged lightly, but to her very eyelids, touched a red pencil to her lips, all with discretion.

Her hair was frankly dyed, and she rouged outrageously.

Miss Burney thus describes her:'She is between thirty and forty, very short, very fat, but handsome; splendidly and fantastically dressed, rouged not unbecomingly yet evidently, and palpably desirous of gaining notice and admiration.

5 adverbs to describe how to  rouging  - Adverbs for  rouging