3 adverbs to describe how to rusts

If, after firing, the bore is left dirty over night, it will be badly rusted in the morning, therefore your rifle must be cleaned not later than the evening of the day on which it was fired.

At first this threw me into a condition like despair, for what we were to do I did not know: but after persevering on foot for four days along the deep-rusted track, which is of that large-gauge type peculiar to Eastern Europe, I began to see that there were considerable sound stretches, and took heart.

'Tis better far to wear away In honest strong endeavor, Than idly rust in slow decay And work and labor never; By honest toil to earn your bread, Or wherewithal to buy it; 'Tis very well, and truly said If you don't believe it, try it.

3 adverbs to describe how to  rusts  - Adverbs for  rusts