14 adverbs to describe how to sagged

Nissr sagged drunkenly, lost headway and slewed off her course, turning slowly in the thin, cold air.

But a boat five feet long and twelve feet broad, especially when made of canvas on a frame of light sticks, is not handily paddled against swift water; and the Buchanan (as the voyagers afterward named it) not only sagged awkwardly, but showed a strong tendency to whirl around like an egg-shell as it was.

The narrow suspension bridge, built of native fibers, sagged deeply in the middle and swayed so threateningly over the gorge of the Urubamba that only one man could pass it at a time.

Pushing open the gate that sagged dejectedly from its leaning post, the artist went down the path, and found himself in a charming nookshut in on every side by the forest vegetation that, watered by the spring, grew rank and dense.

Because of her crippled foot, her entire left side sagged hopelessly and her arm swung away, above it, like a branch from a decayed tree.

Glidden sagged inertly, evidently stunned or unconscious.

Before the last explosion the balancing body sagged limply and sprawled in the snow.

His flesh was yellow and sagged loosely away from his big bones.

The planks sagged ominously.

Then came the tinkle of the old piano and Mary's voice, singing, or attempting to sing, for it was soon apparent that her voice sagged pitifully on the high notes.

His long, black, uncombed hair, sagged down raggedly across his forehead, hanging almost into his eyes; the eyes themselves were sunk in such formidable cavities that Byrne caught hardly more than two points of light in the shadows.

"How those broker warriors did step out, in spite of Illinois Central and a sadly sagging list!

The gigantic Eagle of the Sky, helpless, received this riddling volley as she sagged ashore, now almost in the grip of the famished surf.

In the meantime he waited quietly, assuming an air of the most perfect meekness, with the toe of one hind foot pointed so that he sagged wearily on that side, and with his head lowered in all the appearance of mild subjection.

14 adverbs to describe how to  sagged  - Adverbs for  sagged