36 adverbs to describe how to scowled

" They went up the ladder one by one, and disappeared onto the deck above, the majority cheerful enough, although a few of the faces were scowling darkly as they passed me.

His eye was keen and piercing, his lips curled in an expression of scorn and defiance, while his inflated nostrils no less marked the inward struggle of his mind, as he scowled fiercely on his captors.

True to his nature, Duncan Forbes scowled heavily for a moment.

" The landlord had risen to his feet, and was scowling gloomily at everybody.

The powers of darkness were arrayed against him, fate scowled savagely upon him, disaster blocked his path, the iron horse refused to draw him, but he remained undaunted and determined.

Telltale with its litter of dust and grass stems, it hung there now; and unconsciously he scowled at the recollection it suggested.

Will Rose, looking by accident at his feet, saw him scowling furiously; but on his showing no consciousness, his lordship resumed his easy manner.

You ought to be made to pay fur it, that's what," grumbled the fellow, scowling vindictively, and yet not daring to assume the offensive while the four chums were present; for he had never tried conclusions with Frank, and was suspicious of the new boy in Centervillefor the Langdons had lived there about a year, Frank's father having purchased the bank of which he was now president.

" Leith scowled angrily, but the Professor gave an immediate assent to the request.

Phinuit scowled forbiddingly in response.

Covertly he sent a side glance at Quade and found him scowling suspiciously.

It is not so, brother?" At this the Tinker and the Peddler and the Beggar nudged one another, and all grinned, and the friars scowled blackly at Little John; but they could think of nothing further to say, so they turned to their horses.

This was confirmed by Dr. Connor, who came hurrying by and who halted to scowl heartily at Ailsa.

He had the satisfaction of seeing the Pilgrim come within ten feet of them, hover there scowling for a minute or two and then retreat.

Here is a case in which someone has sadly blundered, and I imagine it is the pompous gentleman who claims to know pearls and does not," with a nod toward Le Drieux, who scowled indignantly.

But when he heard those first exultant, challenging bars he scowled inimically.

As the Russians came opposite Cantil Blanco, the fort which had scowled so menacingly upon them on their entrance forty-four days before, now smiled with friendly faces.

"Good evening, Darrin," responded Warner, while Jetson merely scowled and picked up a book.

Dade scowled absent-mindedly at the wall, felt the prick of an unpleasant thought, and glanced sharply at Jack.

" As he uttered these last words, Godfrey scowled ominously, but Andy's face brightened up.

Responsive, he scowled prodigiously.

All four men scowled pugnaciously, even the pale Nesbit, who was winning.

So they were marched to the room where the Sheriff sat at meat, and stood trembling before him as he scowled sternly upon them.

Savaroff scowled at me more truculently than ever.

"Clouds of evil flee before him, And those cobwebs of the brain Which forbade us love and pleasure, Scowling grimly on our pain.

36 adverbs to describe how to  scowled  - Adverbs for  scowled