36 adverbs to describe how to scrapes

Horseradish, finely scraped, may be served as a garnish; but horseradish sauce is preferable for eating with the beef.

He could barely scrape together enough money to send Miriam to a boarding-school and to keep himself alive until he could get work.

In coming home a slight accident to the cars obliged us to walk about a mile, and I must needs fall into a hole in the bridge which we were crossing, and bruise and scrape one knee quite badly.

Behind him, a door closed, a bar scraped softly into place.

We have seen people, who, having some slight irritation in the larynx, have, instead of smothering the reflex action, vigorously scraped their throats, and coughed with a persistence entirely unwise, inducing inflammation, from which they might date, perhaps, their subsequent bronchial troubles.

The act of drawing out the tubes removes the incrustation; but the tubes should afterward be scraped by drawing them backward and forward between the old files, fixed in a vice, in the form of the letter V.

The planter, who can look over his field in early spring, and find his cotton "cleanly scraped" and his "stand" good, is fortunate; still, the vicissitudes attending the cultivation of the crop have only commenced.

The chief difficulty in removing the latter is experienced in the lateral lacunæ of the frog, where it is most conveniently scraped away with a spoon or sharp curette.

He did not seem to hear her,scraping away diligently at the bars with the bit of tin.

] 'Having by means of the knife and cautery removed every known particle of disease, the next procedure is to pack the surface of the sole and frog thus exposed with a mild dressing, such as vaseline; but if the cankered surface has not been efficiently, scraped, than there is required a more

Barbara pictured the exhausted men scraping feebly when the sea was calm and the sun did not touch the vessel's side.

I found it and scraped at the door, feverishly, for the keyhole.

To remove the scales hold the fish by the tail and scrape firmly toward the head with a small sharp knife, held with the blade slanting toward the tail.

Take your best "ivory-handled" and scrape it forth.

Jack had said that he loved life and would hate to leave it; and yet he sat there calmly, scraping idly with his boot-toe a little furrow in the loose sand, his elbows resting on his knees, his face unlined by frown or bitterness, his eyes bent abstractedly upon the shallow trench he was desultorily digging.

He usually selected the night for his experiments, and pounded and scraped away indefatigably, oblivious of the fact that the family, as well as himself, was sorely in need of rest.

" "That's a matter of opinion," rejoined Hank, industriously scraping away at his fish, and showing no trace of any emotion in his pale eyes.

Halve, scoop out, then scrape inside; lay the peel in salt water overnight.

CARROTS Scrape the carrots lightly; cut them into large dice or slices and drop them into salted boiling water, allowing one teaspoon of salt to one quart of water.

One of the spears thrown upon the last occasion had sixteen barbs to it but, in general, they were merely scraped to a sharp point without even one barb, and were not thrown with anything like precision or good aim, which accounts for none of their weapons having taken effect, although discharged at our people at the distance only of a few yards.

The boy named was sitting by himself, on the end of a form close to the telegraph, moodily scraping up the ground with the spikes of his cricket-shoes.

Her fingers were scraping nervously at the silk of her dress, like the fingers of a child seeking support.

I can now bear the sight of it again," the grandfather said. "Does old John still live, who made the barge and scraped the pebble-walks so nicely?"

Yes, a company of studious paperworms and lean scholars, and niggarly scraping usurers, and a troop of heart-eating, envious persons, and those canker-stomached, spiteful creatures that furnish up commonplace books with other men's faults.

Now if you, readerfor I assume you to be one of the gathering audiencewere of the kind careful on scrubbing days to scrape your feet upon the iron outside and to cross the kitchen on the unwashed parts, then it is likely that you stood in the good graces of the cook.

36 adverbs to describe how to  scrapes  - Adverbs for  scrapes