48 adverbs to describe how to shrugging

" Elspeth did not hear, being intent on other things, and I merely shrugged my shoulders, though my fingers itched for the gentleman's ears.

What does it matter to you?" She shrugged her shoulders impatiently, resentfully, and he went on: "Yes, he's rich; confoundedly so.

'I would do a great deal to save her from the degradation to which your teaching has brought her.' Lady Kirkbank looked at him for a moment or so with reproachful eyes, and then shrugged her shoulders contemptuously.

" Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders expressively.

She shrugged her shoulders lightly and indifferently.

" The Little Angel shrugged her thin shoulders despairingly.

" Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders disdainfully.

The imputation sobered Little Joe and he shrugged his massive shoulders significantly.

" "Butwaitcome back!" He shrugged agreeably, released the door-knob, and stood before her, or rather over herfor he was the taller by a good five incheslooking down, quietly at her service.

What could one say?" Olga had reached the door, shrugging her shoulders very prettily.

" "And if he should die?" Estada shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

" She shrugged her shoulders, ruefully.

He's liable to get 'em all into a corner, an' if that happens" He shrugged his shoulders suggestively.

" Higgins, who was the optimist of the party, a small man, with the unlined, clear complexion and face of a boy, shrugged his shoulders a little doubtfully.

Where did this ship and its precious gang of cutthroats come from, anyway?" "Meaning me?" "Oh, meaning you too, for all I know," he shrugged wearily.

"That don't matter one bit to me," declared Randolph, generously, "I'll treat him just the same as I would you!" Reginald shrugged his shoulders eloquently.

" The countess shrugged her shoulders hopelessly, and Catrina left the room.

He shrugged his shoulders insolently.

She shrugged ironically.

" "Oh, well, and if they do?" says Manuel, shrugging lordily.

"Eh!" said the piffero, showing all his teeth, and shrugging his shoulders good-naturedly, while the other echoed the pantomime.

In the pause, while the echoes died away, he shrugged his shoulders negligently, and settled himself back in his chair.

he had almost reached the point where he could shrug shoulders philosophically at her coquetry; and what is better, do it without bitterness.

Sadie shrugged, protestingly, her slender shoulders.

What does it matter to you?" She shrugged her shoulders impatiently, resentfully, and he went on: "Yes, he's rich; confoundedly so.

48 adverbs to describe how to  shrugging  - Adverbs for  shrugging