15 adverbs to describe how to sleepy

"They had us up pretty early the next morningthat is, they had me up; their mother said that I had brought it on myself, and richly deserved it for exciting their imaginations, and I had to go out with the two oldest and the twins to choose the eggs; we got off from the baby by promising to let her have two, and she didn't understand very well, anyway, and was awfully sleepy.

The conversations, it must be confessed, are often diffuse and pedantic; but they only make us feel most comfortably sleepy, as one invariably feels after a good day's fishing.

But let who will be disappointed in Chichester, I shall love it all my days; not so much for these its monuments, but for itself, its curiously sleepy air of disinterested quiet, its strong dislike of any sort of enthusiasm, its English boredom, even of itself, its complete surrender to what is, its indifference to what might be.

Just now, mon ami, I'm too delightfully sleepy to thin

He was mortally tired and desperately sleepy.

He was so cold and numb that he almost lost his hold around the branch; and he was dreadfully sleepy; but he didn't dare fall asleep for fear of tumbling down.

" Noon had come; after eating, I became exceedingly sleepy; I must make some effort to keep awake.

" Betty had just drowsed off to sleep that night, the girls having gone to bed immediately after the study hour, for the afternoon in the wind and rain had made them extraordinarily sleepy, when a soft knock on the door startled her.

In the first place, the rocking made them helplessly sleepy.

"I'm infernally sleepy, and it's getting late."

Some important papers were the result of these meetings; but the meetings themselves were irresistibly sleepy, and in time they were discontinued.

and, thrusting aching feet into nailed boots, tiptoed noisily into the deserted dining-room to be supplied with coffee and rolls by a pitifully sleepy waiter.

The rest of the party, diverting themselves with the usual laughter and badinagesome of it of a recognizably sleepy charactertook their places, and only those nearest noted the addition to the list of passengers.

She seized it as suddenly as a seemingly sleepy cat seizes an unwary mouse.

He sat upright; he was a wofully sleepy man.

15 adverbs to describe how to  sleepy  - Adverbs for  sleepy