17 adverbs to describe how to slink

Kazan slunk deeper in his shadow at the low horrible laugh that fell from his lipsfor the man still held the club.

The big black understood, and like other bears in Thor's domain, he should have slunk a little backward, turned about and made his exit.

Go get your gun, Cartwright!" Cartwright slunk back in his chair.

The King rages extreamly, shall we slink away?

Baa, quoth the Devil, and forth he slunk, And left us a Carcase of Mutton that stunk.

Only one other person present knew whether or not he was guilty, and that other had slunk furtively from the court room.

Nino and Hedwig entered arm in arm, and I slunk guiltily in after them.

There were sentinels posted about the tent; I saw the silhouette of one, and heard several voices conversing gruffly as I slunk past, yet could not definitely locate these last in the gloom.

Tony slunk away sadly, with a sudden down-heartedness.

I saw few more pitiable sights than that of this wretched creature, slinking shamefacedly through hell, and wincing, as from a blow, at the glance of every passer.

One was the remnant of the Mexican army, which slunk silently and noiselessly through the northern gate, and fled to Guadalupe-Hidalgo; the other was a body of officers who came under a white flag, to propose terms of capitulation.

About the church they circle And softly slink away To prowl about the priest's farm, Then of a sudden they Are round the drink shop turning, Fain some bad word be learning From peasants drinking noisily within.

He saw heed caught a Tarter, in fact, a regular Tarter emetic, and he slunk away rather sudden.

If he blocks your way" She did not need to finish the sentence, for, as Caroline started on, the guard slunk sullenly to one side of the corridor.

And the burglar, only too thankful at not being given into custody of the police, obeyed and slunk swiftly off.

"What a gernin, glowerin, sneerin, deevilitch leuk can a tod gie when hee's keepit at bay just afore he slinks off," exclaimed the poet, as Reynard was stealing away; but yonder they go before the wind, down the sweeping, outstretched glen, like smoke in a blast.

"Wherefore slink ye behind me?" he demanded.

17 adverbs to describe how to  slink  - Adverbs for  slink