9 adverbs to describe how to slippery

"But it's dreadfully slippery," put in Mrs. Lascelles, with a sympathetic glance at my sticks.

" "If it is Maria prowling around the Cedars," Bobby said, "she's amazingly slippery, and with Paredes gone what are you going to do with your physical fact?

The new ice over which I walked is extraordinarily slippery and free from efflorescence.

It is mighty slippery walking this evening.

Ice is proverbially slippery, and if you fall on to a friendly stone from excess of energy or from debility, your side is "huffed" that stone.

The end that was sticking up wasn't very big around, only it was terribly slippery.

What had really happened was that Dunsey Cass, Squire Cass's second sona mean, boastful rascalon his way home on foot from hunting, saw the light in the weaver's cottage, and knocked, hoping to borrow a lantern, for the lane was unpleasantly slippery, and the night dark.

It seems to me as if I had never danced so lightlyon so admirably slippery and springy a floor, or with any one whose step suited mine better.

One spring morning, when a late frost had made the grass unusually slippery, just as he was expounding to an interested audience how the Danes used to shoot "arrers through them little slits of windies in the wall beyant," his foot slipped, and after rolling for a little distance down the steep incline, he went over the precipitous side of the crag, and fell some twenty feet on to the stones below.

9 adverbs to describe how to  slippery  - Adverbs for  slippery