81 adverbs to describe how to slow

Yet doubtless many a fine meadow favorably situated exists in almost prime beauty for thousands of years, the process of extinction being exceedingly slow, as we reckon time.

The majority of these ships were of comparatively slow speed, and trawlers possessed sufficient speed to accompany them, but a few destroyers of the older type formed a part of the escorting force, both for the purpose of protection and also for offensive action against submarines attacking the convoys, the slow speed of trawlers handicapping them greatly in this respect.

Books, tracts, sermons, nearly sixty works in all, came from his pen; and when one remembers his ignorance, his painfully slow writing, and his activity as an itinerant preacher, one can only marvel.

It was terribly slow work, and in the meantime the skeleton frame of the barn was fast rising.

Infinitely slow seemed the progress of the first gleams of hopethe steady front in Burma, the reconquest of the first groups of inlands; the first bomb attacks on Japan itself.

Once you do, and it's only a matter of time before you've got to place the remnants in the hands of a doctor as receiver; and receivers are mighty partial to fees and mighty slow to let go.

"Oh," said Mr. Walters, in a provokingly slow tone, "I don't think I'll tell you to-night; it may injure your rest; it will keep till to-morrow.

But still he plunged on, and with tragically slow encroachments the shore line drew up to him.

Then, as the wonderful yacht Arrow gradually slowed down, they tried to realise the speed and to accustom themselves to the fact that they had made the fastest mile on record on water.

His progress was desperately slow, the suffering it entailed was sometimes unendurable.

* THE ANT AND THE CATERPILLAR As an ant, of his talents superiorly vain, Was trotting, with consequence, over the plain, A worm, in his progress remarkably slow, Cried"Bless your good worship wherever you go; I hope your great mightiness won't take it ill, I pay my respects with a hearty good-will.

He felt immediately, and with taste that did his sagacity credit, that his footing in this quarter was only to be obtained by unusually slow and cautious means.

"You'd be surprised 'ow slow the time passes.

Neither was as swift a swimmer as Jack, and for that reason, their progress through the water had been considerably slower.

It's awfully slow; I almost wish that chap Noaks was back.

True, a king of Israel whose wisdom is greatly extolled, and whose writings are widely read, urged the importance of the early training of children about three thousand years ago; but the progress of truth in the world is proverbially slow.

She liked a diplomatic life if her husband could be an ambassador, but she thought him strangely slow in achieving this dignity.

Progress must have seemed at the time, may even seem to us looking back, to be tantalizingly slow, but far oftener than in earlier days do the annals of trade unionism report, "The strikers won."

Meanwhile cottage improvement, and sanitary reform, throughout the country districts, are going on at a fearfully slow rate.

The armadillo is equally secure of his prey with the hawk or leopard; and Sir Charles Bell mentions a class of thieves in India, who, having, through extreme patience and command of nerve, acquired the power of motion imperceptibly slow, are the most formidable of all peculators, and almost defy precaution.

Countless celestial bodies moved in an incredibly slow pattern like a stately dance.

" She was inexpressibly slow and untidy, vain and ignorant and self-absorbed.

It would be sacrilegious for electric cars to go whizzing by the ancient tombs and monuments that fringe the road down through Sudbury; the automobile felt out of place and instinctively slowed down to stately and measured pace.

A brisk, lively character was imparted even to the steady-going quadrille; the old Valse à Trois Temps was pronounced insufferably "slow;" and its brilliant rival, the Valse à Deux Temps, which had been recently introduced, at once established the supremacy which it has ever since maintained.

Our oak isn't good quality, and maple is such an interminably slow grower.

81 adverbs to describe how to  slow  - Adverbs for  slow