19 adverbs to describe how to slowly

They differ also in point of suddenness, the images being formed comparatively slowly as memory recalls each detail, and fading slowly as the mental effort to retain them is relaxed, the visions appearing and vanishing in an instant.

He knew that fate was , and he watched the swing back and forth slowly.

Stew slowly for five hours, and add one hour before serving, while boiling, a wine glass claret and a wine glass sherry.

They came on painfully slowly a few hundred yards at a time.

And the Road moved upwards slowly with the Dead; and the Dead went inward through The Gateway; first the poor Youths, and afterward they that had given up life that they might save them.

But he shook his head from side to side, slowly, dully, monotonously.

We gain ground slowly, exceedingly slowly, and every step of soil has to be paid for dearly.

We stopped once more to hitch on a small wood-cart, and with that bumping behind us, we trailed along fearfully slowly.

Dropping her eyes from the women, who saw nothing and continued to sip their wine in happy ignorance of the soul-tragedy going on within ten feet of them, she looked down at her dress, then up at the walls about her; and then slowly, anxiously, and with unmistakable terror, at the woman in whose arms she felt herself supported.

Slowly, hideously slowly "When you are ready.

As soon as 'twas dark, I picked up the rifle, and, kind er slowly, made my way down ter where their critters was feedin', and picked out the best hoss of the lot, put a saddle on him, and started down the river towards the fort at Phantom Hill. '

Ah, could we once, ere we go, could we stand, while, to ocean descending, Sinks o'er the yellow dark plain slowly the yellow broad sun, Stand, from the forest emerging at sunset, at once in the champaign, Open, but studded with trees, chestnuts umbrageous and old, E'en in those fair open fields that incurve to thy beautiful hollow, Nemi, imbedded in wood, Nemi, inurned in the hill!

And slowly, reluctantly, with great pains that she should not be scratched by briars, bitten by snakes, brushed by poison-ivy, muddied by the wet bank, or threatened with another fall, I put her down.

For what here qualifies the things spoken of, is nothing but the manner of their motion; and this might as well be expressed by the words, rapidly, slowly, swiftly.

Society is constantly engaged in endeavouring, feebly, slowly, and blindly, to relieve the stress of poverty, and the industrial weakness of low-skilled labour, by laying hands upon certain functions and certain portions of wealth formerly left to private individuals, and claiming them as social functions and social wealth to be administered for the social welfare.

They wave, as the boat waves with the impetus of the sea, gently, calmly, slowly,or, as conversation grows animated, as disputes arise, as good stories are told, one after another, so do the sympathizing and eloquent rocking-chairs keep pace with our conversation, stimulating or soothing, as it chances.

Yes, God's laws work in strange and subtle ways; so darkly, so slowly, that the ungodly and sinners often believe that there are no laws of God, and say"Tush, how should God perceive it?

She was moving, as seen from the Astronaut, very slightly to the north, and more decidedly, though very slowly, to the eastward; the one motion due to my deliberately chosen direction in space, the other to the fact that as my orbit enlarged I was falling, though as yet slowly, behind her.

I have had a good deal of practice at waiting in my life, but I never remember the hours dragging so desperately slowly as they did the remainder of that afternoon.

19 adverbs to describe how to  slowly  - Adverbs for  slowly