13 adverbs to describe how to smoulders

Yet it smoulders continually in their innermost being.

But when I neared at length the bosom of the hearth, There saw I, by the light of dimly smouldering fire, Crouched on the ground, a crone, close-veiled, of stature huge, Not like to one asleep, but as absorbed in thought!

Villages were burning on many points of the crescent, some of them smouldering drowsily, others blazing fiercely like beacon fires.

For why wouldn't I speak my own language, I like to know?" Dave Cowan's jest was smouldering faintly within her.

Not a breath stirred in the trees, and the prairie fire that smouldered so indolently was surely the gentlest of its race.

Inwardly the fire smouldered still red and angry; outwardly he was passive and obedient, and scarcely wished to be otherwise.

His eyes, smouldering moodily, were bent upon the fire, and his cheek was dark with blood.

Far in their incalculable depths I saw a myriad of lights, brown-gold, that smouldered, ominously, even promisingly.

I LOVED THEE I loved thee; and perchance until this moment Within my breast is smouldering still the fire!

Perhaps because in a certain imperiousness and hardness of character they were somewhat alike, their differences, though only on rare occasions culminating in a battle royal, smouldered perpetually, breaking out, more often than was seemly, in brisk skirmish and rapid passage of arms.

The hall fire smouldered as pleasantly as it had done before they had set forth, yet an interminable period seemed to have elapsed.

The news that a volcano, that had presumably been smouldering for centuries at the western extremity of the group, showed signs of breaking out again, caused a sensation throughout the Bermudas.

Far in their incalculable depths I saw a myriad of lights, brown-gold, that smouldered, ominously, even promisingly.

13 adverbs to describe how to  smoulders  - Adverbs for  smoulders