13 adverbs to describe how to snuffing

And, in a while, being come within the boskage of this green dell, feebly and as one a-dream, he checked the great horse that snuffed eagerly toward the murmuring brook, and as one a-dream saw that she who had slumbered on his breast was awakefresh and sweet as the dawn.

This done, he went down to the stream and filled his cap with water and carried it to the horse, which snuffed suspiciously and backed a little; so he laid the cap down, and went up and patted him again.

How greedily They snuff the fishy steam, that to each blade Rank-scenting clings!

He was very fond of a game of chess, and snuffed continuously; talked but little, was a light sleeper,the stirring of a mouse would awaken him,and always on the watch-tower.

Shall we say that anxious, slight, ineffectual-looking man, under thirty, in spectacles, his eyes troubled, careful; with upturned face, snuffing dimly the uncertain future time; complexion of a multiplex atrabilious color, the final shade of which may be pale sea-green?

Flounce, the terrier, snuffing disconsolately about the deck, and scratching the boards in her zeal to explore the shallow hold, at last grew weary, and came to snuggle down between the two silent companions.

"Weel, sir, I wad draw this inference, he would snuff a lang time afore he would fatten upon't."

And Beauty is willing; but more When the war-horse is gallantly prancing And snuffing the battle afar, When the foe, with his banner advancing, Is sounding the clarion of war.

While the three grim men prostrated themselves by their fire, and the horrible woman that was the spouse of one, he saw the gods coming gauntly over the wold, beheld the gods of Old England hungrily snuffing the savour, Odin, Balder, and Thor, the gods of the ancient people, beheld them eye to eye clear and close in the twilight, and the office of postman fell vacant in Otford-under-the-Wold.

Many and many a time had he unhoused rabbits, and squirrels, and other creatures at that word of command; so, without a moment's delay, he commenced to dig down into the sand, every now and then stopping for a moment and shoving in his nose, and snuffing interrogatively, as if he fully expected to find a buffalo at the bottom of it.

To think that the sacred flame of life can be so readily snuffed out by that great material finger and thumb!

What guarantee had he in earth or heaven that he might not be "snuffed out silently," as he had seen hundreds already, and die and leave no sign?

Again Crusoe growled more angrily than before, and springing out of the camp snuffed the breeze anxiously.

13 adverbs to describe how to  snuffing  - Adverbs for  snuffing