181 adverbs to describe how to so

Running a light is dangerous, and doubly so with candles.

The practice was necessarily very useful to us, and eminently so to me.

It has been called the most glorious place on the face of the earth (or even the moon or Mars), and rightly so.

" "And therefore your Holiness has brought these rats upon us, enlisted, I nothing doubt, in the infernal regions?" "Precisely so: Plutonic, necyomantic, Lemurian rats, kindly lent by the Prince of Darkness for the occasion, and come dripping from Styx to squeak and gibber in the Capitol.

"Lord Pendennyss is a universal favorite, and deservedly so," cried the duke.

But it was no less clear that Gracchus himself and these merchants and proletarians were only kept together by mutual advantage, and that the men of material interests were ready to accept their posts, and the populace, strictly so called, its bread, quite as well from any other as from Caius Gracchus.

"You are displeased, and justly so, sir, but boys will be boys.

" "Practically so.

" Jack Thistle was a great resource for Tulee in her isolation, and scarcely less so for Flora.

'In some the stripes are doubled throughout, in others only partially so, while in some they are single throughout, and some have manes to a slight extent.'

If, on the one hand, the latest were taken, it could be shown that many of the changes introduced into it were for the worse, and some of them very decidedly so.

"It is this affection, dear friend," continued the Princess, "which induces me on the present occasion to transgress the limits of conventional propriety, and make a communication distressing to thee, but infinitely more so to myself.

"Utterly so," Musgrave assented, gravely.

All now seems to me vapid,comparatively so.

But perhaps the volume is not quite Quakerish enough, or exclusively so, for it.

The Kalmucks are described as filthy, the Kamtschadales as exceedingly so, etc. REASONS FOR BATHING.

Nobody drowned, indeed; but all had been dreadfully soaked in the surf in getting ashore, and among the rest had been the fair-haired child, now lying there on his mother's lap, so pinched and blue, and seemingly so nearly lifeless.

Notably so, when in a neck-to-neck dash with an express train, the aeroplane won out in a race to file the location papers of the mine at Monument Rocks.

Although he went to and fro between them daily, his personality was almost a dual one, though not consciously so; his passion for crime investigation was distinctin outward seeming, at all eventsfrom his polished West End life of wealthy ease.

But tell me, Prior, Wherefore so deadly dost thou hate thy cousin? PRIOR.

And, as it seemed afterwards, very foolishly so, because he told me he had not one farthing of security to offer for the loan.

At an early period in the history of Holland, a boy was born in Haarlem, a town remarkable for its variety of fortune in war, but happily still more so for its manufactures and inventions in peace.

Eve must use wisdom and tact, as well as example; if she would have Adam accept her standard of cleanliness she must see to it that her example is beautifully clean instead of painfully so.

The lawyer, the doctor.... Right-thinking? Tolerably so.

The plan to be followed for the first six months.-Until the breast- milk is fully established, which may not be until the second or third day subsequent to delivery (almost invariably so in a first confinement), the infant must be fed upon a little thin gruel, or upon one third water and two thirds milk, sweetened with loaf sugar.

181 adverbs to describe how to  so  - Adverbs for  so