10 adverbs to describe how to soldiers

"I hope," said the old soldier, solemnly, "that the paper's circulation is very small.

A man among men, a leader in some sort, and in battle a soldier who could hew his way painstakingly, if not dramatically, to his end, David Kent was no carpet knight, and he knew his lack.

"What was that you started telling me the other day about a monkey's paw or something, Morris?" "Nothing," said the soldier, hastily.

The first sign I saw of our arrival in this country was a derelict mess-tin on a country station platform; at the next station I saw a derelict rifle; at the next a whole derelict kit, and lastly a complete-in-all-parts derelict soldier.

At first I supposed the object of this was to give a greater agitation to the air, and separate and shake down the noxious exhalations we emit; but since I was informed that the soldiers outside would shoot us in case we attempted to escape, I have concluded that the sound is meant to alarm us, and prevent our approaching too near the walls.

The Prince Regent was chiefly and primarily a soldier.

Animated by these exhortations, the soldiers, regardless of all difficulties, advanced against the line of the enemy, posted above them; and here there was some fatigue whilst the army was climbing the steep.

Scarcely a soldier in perfect health, from sleeping on damp ground, in wet clothing, and no change of dress; cooking the worst; field-hospital over-crowded."

The civilian is playing his part just as loyally as the soldier, the women as bravely as the men.

The soldiers of the better classes and the subaltern officers and equites in a body, either voluntarily or constrained by the -esprit de corps-, declined to receive pay.

10 adverbs to describe how to  soldiers  - Adverbs for  soldiers