58 adverbs to describe how to sorriest

'But what about other friends?' 'Welloh, you know' 'Edith, I'm awfully sorry; I wish I'd married her now, then she wouldn't have bothered about Bruce.'

"I'm mighty sorry I was so careless and didn't warn you about the rain," she declared with shining eyes, as her hair blew back and her colour rose at the rapid motion.

"We're all so dreadfully sorry, Mr. Dundas," I said.

He said he loved your spirit, and was exceedingly sorry that he had been the cause of the smallest uneasiness to you.

" "For that am I heartily sorry, forester.

I am deeply sorry for it; and I am, therefore, here to submit not to a light penalty but to the highest penalty.

If you had only come before she went"Mademoiselle Chiron looked genuinely sorry.

"I'm real sorry, too, that they think somebody has killed him.

"I'm terribly sorry," apologized Shakespeare.

"I'm horribly sorry, Ina," he said.

Dick wondered greatly what had caused the strange reaction and seeing the other was suffering tremendously for some reason or other unexplained and perhaps inexplicable was profoundly sorry.

Percy Darrow did not appear, for which I was sincerely sorry.

" Both Patsy and Beth felt desperately sorry for the girl.

" "I'm frightfully sorry," I stammered.

" "I'm bitterly sorry.

He was sure sorry not to make Hidden Creek this trip, though.

the law does give people over other peoplebecause Aunt Betsy married Uncle John fifty years ago, and was probably infernally sorry for it!" Mary smiled.

"We have so much material on hand, just now, that we cannot possibly purchase more," she said firmly, but feeling intensely sorry for the boy.

He knew he was infinitely sorry for poor Emily; but he could not stir himself into a paroxysm of grief, and, ashamed of his inability to express his feelings, he looked at Julia, who still wept.

And I believe that at this very moment, deep down in your heart, you are mortally sorry for me; only you don't want to show it.

I was so astonished that I had nothing to say, but was afterward sorry that I had not continued the conversation and asked her why she was so especially proud of never having left Paris.

She felt vaguely sorry for Reinaldo; but death was peace; this was hell in living veins.

He closed his eyes and felt immensely sorry for himself; and when he opened his eyes again he found that he had been asleep, and that the sun was sinking fast.

And then she felt sharply sorry she had said as much or as little as she had said, for her host's face altered; it became, from a healthy pallor, a deep red.

"Ze next day I am extr-r-remely sorry to encounter ze same chentleman, and I say to him, 'Go away at once.

58 adverbs to describe how to  sorriest  - Adverbs for  sorriest