13 adverbs to describe how to sour

We fail to discern the milk of human kindness, here; but it is clear that the milk in the cocoa-nuts of these farmers is mighty sour.

With these and some sugar he made a meal, though not a good one, for the berries were quite green and intensely sour.

All of us have seen wine when exposed to air gradually sour, and become converted into vinegar, and we know that in this case the surface of the liquid is covered with white pellicles called "mother of vinegar."

Nature has also become imperceptibly sour tempered, and shows her teeth in ice and snows.

and which the white people alone possess the art and knowledge of producing!'He courteously offered me a share of his beverage; but I found it so intolerably sour, that I was forced to swear by all the gods of the Indians, I would not have any connexion with it.

She says it's sneaking and cowardly if you're going to accept life at all, not to accept all of itthe sour with the sweetand not whimper.

In plain truth, the good woman was manifestly soured by her experience.

Vinegar was originally merely soured wine, as the word vin-aigre denotes.

He had exceedingly plain features, and a persistently sour expression; even his smile suggested sarcasm.

"With a clear, dry atmosphere the cream will rise clean in the milk; but in that condition of the atmosphere which readily sours the milk, the cream will not rise clean, but seems to hang in the milk, and this even when the milk is protected by being set in water.

With the exception of Bagnères de Bigorreand then only when specially orderedand in the season, Bagnères de Luchon, the bread throughout the mountain resorts is abominably sour.

His character was remarkably soured by this treatment, and his faculties rather impaired.

A faintly sour smell of parched things, oppressing the night without breath or motion, was like an interminable presence, irritating, poisonous.

13 adverbs to describe how to  sour  - Adverbs for  sour