20 adverbs to describe how to spats

He paused and then spat out venomously: "Oh, it'll get Swen Brodie and it'll get you, too, Mark King.

Because I refused to obey a peremptory command, and this at a time when I habitually refused even on pain of imagined torture to obey or to speak, this brute not only cursed me with abandon, he deliberately spat upon me.

" Abul Malek and his sons returned alone to their mountains, but when they reined in at the door of their castle the father spat venomously at the belfried roof of the monastery beneath and vowed that he would yet work his will upon it.

He put them down on the kitchen table and looked around, spatting his hands together briskly to rid them of dust.

Before we had a moment to speak, much less form a plan of attack, the lion rose, spat at us defiantly, and deliberately jumped off the crag.

"Yessir, I did," a man replied, and spat disgustedly.

Then she halted, hands in pockets, rocked easily upon heel and toe, and spat expertly between her teeth.

With his unoccupied hand he helped himself to a generous chew of tobacco, and spat gravely into the dust.

The great physician spat noisily.

Did you notice it?" He walked across to the rail, spat overboard, and came back, politely wiping his lips on his sleeve.

an' spat the pilly.

He promptly spat on me.

" "Well," said Bill, and spat reflectively, "you roll up your sleeves and I'll learn yuh.

Babe protested sleepily, lifting her head from his shoulder and spatting him reprovingly on the cheek.

Jimmy spat on the asphalt rudely.

Then he looked down at himself an' spat, sneeringly.

An' that natcherlist I had two years ago couldn't tell a grizzly's track from a black bear's track, an so 'elp me if he knew what a cinnamon was!" He took his pipe from his mouth and spat truculently into the fire, and Langdon knew that other things were coming.

He leaned hipshot against the doorjamb, and spat accurately through a knothole in the bunkhouse floor.

" "Eh, and who purchased the woman first?" de Gâtinais spat at him, viciously, for the Frenchman now saw his air-castle shaken to the corner-stone.

All-seeing, Crosby spat appreciatively, but Landor gave never a glance.

20 adverbs to describe how to  spats  - Adverbs for  spats