5 adverbs to describe how to specked

Thousands of feet in the air a buzzard, merely a black speck, without motion of wings, wheeled in great, lazy, ever-widening circles.

This command, most unfortunately, as Mark now felt, had not been given; and great was his concern when Betts declared that he saw awhile speck to the northward, which looked like a sail.

Their colors were but rare and dainty specks comparatively, (created for the nearsighted, who walk amid the humblest herbs and underwoods,) and made no impression on a distant eye.

Breast and throat deep cream color, finely specked with brown on the upper part.

I had decided that the beach, about a hundred yards away from the wharfs, was the safest place and hurried there; but the speck overhead, as if anticipating me, seemed to be aiming for the precise spot.

5 adverbs to describe how to  specked  - Adverbs for  specked