4 adverbs to describe how to stiffly

But in the middle of the street Jerry raised his right arm stiffly overhead with a whoop and brought his chestnut to a sliding stop; the cloud of dust rolled lazily on ahead.

Just past a long stretch of woods which Hinpoha thought might be enchanted, because the trees stood so stiffly straight, the Carribou rounded a bend, and there flashed into sight an irregular row of white tents scattered among the pines on a rise of ground some hundred or more feet back from the river.

Mr. Smith got his lease, and paid for it tolerably stiffly, for at that period all agricultural prices were inflatedfrom the price of a lease to that of a calf.

Holding himself stiffly upright, he tried to think.

4 adverbs to describe how to  stiffly  - Adverbs for  stiffly