162 adverbs to describe how to stirring

"Both young Wallerstättens were extremely musical and had splendid voices, and Leonore's exquisite singing stirred everybody deeply.

"Is this the way you welcome lady visitors?" The warriors stirred uneasily.

In helping the fruit, it should be lightly stirred, that the wine and sugar may be equally distributed.

For my part I disbelieve in the popular theory of the origin of these EMMETIC melodies which stir one so strangely.

Scarcely a leaf stirred, and the only sounds were the twittering grasshoppers and the drone of flies.

Separate the yolks from the whites of 4 eggs; beat up the former, and stir them briskly to the sauce; let it remain over the fire until it is on the point of simmering; but do not allow it to boil, or it will instantly curdle.

The old Norse strength and grandeur, the magnificent sagas telling of the tragic struggles of men and gods, which still stir us profoundly,these have all disappeared.

It is not easy for a turbulent community to live next to an orderly one without continually stirring up frontier disturbances which call for stern repression from the orderly community.

As of old she set his pulse stirring restlessly with her sparkling, vivid loveliness.

Flavour the milk by infusing in it a little lemon-rind or cinnamon; whisk the eggs, stir the flour gradually to these, and pour over them the milk, and stir the mixture well.

The deep chest was barely warmer than death; the heart stirred only faintly.

After that Sofia was at pains to stir as seldom as possible, and bided her time quietly enough, but never for an instant relaxed her watchfulness or lost heart.

Add the flour, and lastly, stir in the whites, whisked to a froth, very gently.

But from where she stood she could see only the reflection of the window across the room, the strip of curtain at the side stirring softly in the evening breeze.

The passionthe sinful passionthat stirred me so mightily just now, is gone; and I feel the goodness of my God in holding me back from the rash act I contemplated, and from rushing upon dangers that I might indeed defy, but could not hope to conquer.

Plasmon in saucepan, and add gradually half a pint lukewarm water, stirring continuously.

Put 3 dessertspoonfuls flour in a basin, smooth with a little cold milk, and pour a breakfast-cupful boiling milk over it, stirring vigorously all the time.

But in a while, what time Beltane kneeled and mourned over him full sore, the young knight stirred feebly, sighed, and spake.

The jury stirred impatiently.

This man dares not stir forth till his breast be crossed and his face sprinkled: if but an hare cross him the way, he returns; or if his journey began unawares on the dismal day, or if he stumble at the threshold.

The woods stirred lazily about them.

" He stirred his coffee thoughtfully, and fell silent again.

" XIII THE PRODIGAL'S DEPARTURE Abraham was up betimes in the morning to greet a day crisp and cold, quiet, yet with sufficient breeze stirring the evergreens in the yard outside to make him predict a speedy voyage.

It was irony again and Sheila stirred nervously.

Put all the ingredients, except the lemon-juice, into a stew-pan; set it over the fire, and keep continually stirring.

162 adverbs to describe how to  stirring  - Adverbs for  stirring