47 adverbs to describe how to strolls

When John Corbett strolled leisurely into the Salvation Army meeting in old Victoria Hall in Winnipeg that night, so many years ago now, there may have been some who thought he came to disturb the meeting.

" The three set off as usual, strolling carelessly to the outskirts of the camp; then they quickened their pace, and, gaining the lake, pushed off in a small canoe.

He strolled out one afternoon, aimlessly, wondering whether the negative result of his efforts justified his remaining in the place, and yet loath to leave it, held there as he was by the attraction of Edith Morriston.

"Here, dad," said his oldest daughter, strolling calmly into the hall, hands still linked loosely behind her.

A policeman strolled past, striking terror to a guilty heart; a gentleman of evidently unbroken leisure regarded her with a benevolent eye completely ringed by red.

All around the buildings were gloomily draped in mourning, and the students strolled listlessly over the grounds, awaiting the formation of the funeral procession.

" Jasper, without the slightest appearance of having heard this speech, strolled casually out of the room.

The young gentlemen strolled forth to look about the town.

At the entrance of Skinny and Parker be got up and without speaking strolled outside and through the darkness toward the circular corral.

He yawned and strolled lazily towards the fireplace.

Here, between the foremast and the cabin, someone was strolling idly about most of the time, or lounging along the rail out of the sun.

And afterward he strolled across the lawn, where the locusts were shrilling, as if in a stubborn prediction of something which was inevitable, and he meditated upon a great number of things.

On the road he met Verty strolling along disconsolately.

By degrees the sounds die away; and I stroll onwards.

" Paredes strolled silently in.

They were strolling along quite unconcernedly, laughing and chatting together, with their hands in their pockets and quite unarmed, not even carrying their favourite kukri.

" Mike walked on toward the field, and Psmith, strolling upstairs to fetch his novel, found Mr. Downing standing in the passage with the air of one who has lost his bearings.

As he strolled homeward along a stately avenue, wondering what he could do to avert the retribution that moved toward the Downeys, and finding that his assistant city-editor's resourcefulness availed him naught, he heard the scamper of feet behind him and whirled about with cane upraised in time to bring a snarling chow dog to a stand.

Then, indolently, negligently, gracefully, he had strolled out of the house, down the steps, into the hot and dusty street and so on and on and out of their lives.

He made him a cigarette, lighted it and strolled nonchalantly back to the grove.

Robin Hood strolled onward till he came to where a broad woodland road stretched before him.

Some lovely autumn day, at a watering-place, you may perchance be strolling by the sea, with crowds of well-dressed, happy people on the one side, and on the other the calm sunlit plain where boats are passing to and fro.

It's no good worrying about what can't be altered, however, so, lighting a cigar, I strolled back philosophically to the hotel, where I treated myself to the luxury of a hot bath before rejoining the boat.

For he felt that the earth was honored In bearing his honorable weight; Proudly he strolled through his wooded park Deer-haunted and gloomily grand, Or gazed from his pillared porticoes On his far-outlying land.

And Harry strolled resignedly toward the fence.

47 adverbs to describe how to  strolls  - Adverbs for  strolls