12 adverbs to describe how to students

Not even conversion can make new habits overnight, and in his first two years at college Joe had been known to teachers and students alike as distinctly a sketchy student, wholly inexpert at concentrated effort.

" "Can you tell me nothing more?" said the student eagerly.

Young student, who this story readest, And with the same thy thoughts now feedest, Thy weaker nerves might thee forbid To do the thing the Spartan did; Thy feebler heart could not sustain Such dire extremity of pain.

To John White's ill-jointed but invaluable compilation "The Ancient History of the Maori," every student henceforth will have to turn.

"I have no worship for aristocracy in the abstract; I am a student, a rather careful student of systems and their results, and, incidentally, a breeder of thoroughbred live stock, too, which helps one's conclusions: and above all I am an interested watcher of the progress of evolution.

" "Don't be ashamed," said the student, laughingly, "I would dine with Pluto himself, if the dishes were good and my appetite as sharp as to-day.

And the grand emporium of modesty,said the divinity-student, a little mischievously.

He had at the back of his mind a kind of idea that these were the phrases that the irreligious or the agnostics applied to themselves; yet here was a man, obviously a student, and a statesman as he knew, calmly assuming (scarcely even giving himself the trouble to state) that all educated and well-informed persons were Catholic Christians!

"You will allow me to sit down?" said the student, very politely.

Though not precisely students, they yet consume the midnight oilchiefly as a beverage.

" "Ladies," said the young man, with a gay and mocking air, "hear the romance of the Judge's daughter, and the poor studentcertainly a very poor student.

My father's hauteur was no safeguard against the steady and self-poised approacheshis shyness found relief in the calm self-reliance of his "left-hand" neighbor; and, as they were both lovers of books, rather than students thereof, a congeniality of tastes on literary subjects drew them together in those hours of leisure which Mr. Bainrothe usually passed in his own or my father's library, in the cultivation of the dolce far nienteI

12 adverbs to describe how to  students  - Adverbs for  students