34 adverbs to describe how to stuffs

Rustle the stuff aboard.

The Os Cribriforme was exceedingly stuffed, and in some Places damaged with Snuff.

When he had done this, I saw that his hair was left streaked with damp; and there was a faint, purplish stain on the handkerchief, observing which with evident dismay he stuffed the big square of coarse cambric hastily into his pocket.

No, Manuel, I am afraid that your queer theory, about your being stuffed inside with permanent material and so on, does not very plausibly account for either your existence or mine, and that we both stay riddles without answers.

"This shop was well lighted, and literally stuffed with what were well termed 'curiosities of art.'

Just now I'm very flush, and" He produced a thickly stuffed bill-fold, but Bantry smiled and touched Woodbury's arm.

He looked like a collection of stout sacks stuffed very tightly and tied firmly at the necks.

By stuffing these skins compactly, within ropes so placed as to keep all snug, a very material defence against the entrance of cold was interposed.

But he was nothing to a white fellow, a lumberer, who was continually stuffing himself with the Indians' moose-meat, and was the butt of his companions accordingly.

More coolly than I had given him credit for, Von Reuss stuffed a silken kerchief into the hole in his shoulder, and repossessed himself of his weapon in his other hand.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets dejectedly and continued: "You now tell me that this man was a mute.

He took from his pocket the old envelope which Sinclair had given him, examined the scribbled confession, chuckling at the crude labor with which the writing had been drawn out, and then deliberately stuffed the paper into a corner of the fire.

The scissors and knives upon the bench, showed that the child herself had cut them; and the bright scraps of velvet and silk and ribbon also strewn upon the bench showed that when duly stuffed, she was to cover them smartly.

The rabbits (pretty innocent little creatures I had thought them, as I gazed at their representatives of white canton flannel, solidly stuffed, with such charming eyes of pink beads) girded all my young trees and killed them before I dreamed of such mischief, nibbled at every tender sprout, every swelling bud, were so agile that they could not be captured, and became such a maddening nuisance that I hired a boy to take them away.

Its floor and the little platform at one end were strewn with rat-skin rugs of the finest quality, and its walls were adorned with handsomely stuffed and mounted mouse and fish heads, snake skins, and other trophies of the chase.

He stuffed his fingers underneath, and wrenched; then as he came and went, catching sight in a mirror, was shocked to see that, in Biblical fashion, he had rent his garments.

Why if any true Courtly dame had had but this new fashioned sute, to entertaine anything indifferently stuffed, why you should have had her more respective by farre.

"Oh, Piers is stuffed tight with gunpowder as everybody knows.

That's always the waymy dolls are invariably stuffed with sawdust, and I never have a dear gazelle to glad me with his dappled hide, but when he comes to know me well he falls upon the buttered sideor something to that effect.

In the matter of unnaturally stuffing and confining fowls, Mowbray is exactly of our opinion.

Then he lifted the hanging bodyhow light a weight it was!and placed it in a chair, where it doubled over, limp as a loosely stuffed scarecrow.

The animals are neatly stuffed, and look so lifelike and the positions are so natural, that you could almost fancy that you hear the noise of the scuffle.

He began nervously stuffing little parcels of the feathers he had been weighing into small blue and white striped bags, which he threw one after the other to Squealer, who never by any chance caught them as he turned his back at every throw.

For weeks after every Thanksgiving and Christmas they always wore a painfully stuffed and suffocated look.

Jackson pointed out some of his most remarkable men to me; after which we went up to a little plot of ground behind the workhouse, where we found a few apparently older or weaker men, riddling pebbly stuff, brought from the bed of the Ribble.

34 adverbs to describe how to  stuffs  - Adverbs for  stuffs