18 adverbs to describe how to submerges

I had been going ahead partially submerged, with about five feet of my periscope showing.

During courtship each pair may blow bubbles, rub noses, raise their snout and periodically submerge and re-emerge.

Deeply submerged in him there ran this tide of other thoughts, desires, hopes.

Either he saw Miss Berwynd taking the honors of stardom away from him and generously submerged his own talent in order to enhance her triumph, or it is but another proof of the statement that husband and wife do not make convincing lovers in the realm of the make-believe.

It is like a dry ocean gradually submerging the land.

The Aryan always was a good listener, and you must remember that India is a very big countrya continent, indeed, with a mixed multitude of 300,000,000 souls, some striving for the unattainable and others hopelessly submerged in bogs of vice, superstition and ignorance.

Her bones were neatly submerged.

It was to be seen that this woman had an immense store of vitality, perpetually submerged.

But from every other point of view Mixtus finds himself personally submerged: what he happens to think is not felt by his esteemed guests to be of any consequence, and what he used to think with the ardour of conviction he now hardly ever expresses.

A treatise on the great geological question, whether the continents now inhabited, have or have not been repeatedly submerged in the sea, has lately been read to the Académie des Sciences, by M. Constant Prevost.

As the arrangement of the spars forced the principal mast entirely beneath the element, and the ship was so small as to need little artificial work in her masting, the part around the top, which contained the staging, was scarcely submerged.

Winchelsea when we first hear of it as given by King Edward Confessor to the monks of Fécamp, was not set upon this hill-top as we see it to-day, but upon an island, low and flat, now submerged some three miles south and east of the present town.

For on the one hand lay the fierce enticement of Skale's heaven, with all that it portended, and on the other the deep though temporarily submerged human passion of his love for the girl.

Again, because a large proportion of Christians have come from the depressed classes, the "submerged tenth," ground for uncounted centuries under the heel of the caste system, their education is also a study in social uplift, one of the biggest sociological laboratory experiments to be found anywhere on earth.

The greater part of the log was firmly imbedded in the sand, but there was a small portion of it which projected so far as barely to be submerged.

Of course Kitty found a small vacant space on which she could festoon herself, and Peter promptly climbed on his mother's lap, so that she was covered withfairly submerged inchildren!

For a few moments consciousness itself seemed to be submerged in the most awful suffering that Sylvia had ever beheld.

This fore part, which was at least two metres in length, had very little solidity, and was continually submerged.

18 adverbs to describe how to  submerges  - Adverbs for  submerges