29 adverbs to describe how to subordinated

The pursuit of ease and pleasure, to which the attainment of wealth and political power were too often merely subordinated, is a leading characteristic of the time.

The State, organized as absolute power, responsible to no one, with no duties to its neighbour, and with only nominal duties to a strictly subordinate God, has challenged the soul of man in its dearest possessions.

It means, in the first place, the establishment and enforcement of the Rule of Law, as against anarchy on the one hand and tyranny on the other; and, secondly, on the basis of order and justice, the task of making men fit for free institutions, the work of guiding and training them to recognise the obligations of citizenship, to subordinate their own personal interests or inclinations to the common welfare, the "commonwealth."

Then we need not be greatly concerned about itsince its rights in that case, would be obviously subordinate to those of the other parties.

The emphasis given to love rather than to war in this tale is significant as a contrast to the opposite tendency in such romances of a century later as "Ivanhoe," in which a tournament scene very similar in outline to that in "The Arragonian Queen" is told with the greatest attention to warlike detail, while the love story, though not allowed to languish, is kept distinctly subordinate to the narrative of chivalric adventure.

There can, however, be no doubt as to the utility of the visualising faculty when it is duly subordinated to the higher intellectual operations.

Not only do they, in the very act of realizing it, make it the occasion of satisfying personal desires whose purport is diverse from that aim, but they share in that ideal aim itself, and are, for that very reason, objects of their own existencenot formally merely, as the world of living beings generally is, whose individual life is essentially subordinate to that of man and its properly used up as an instrument.

The infant S. John, upright upon his feet, balancing the chief group, is hazily subordinate.

"It is the first Assembly of notables," said M. Malouet, "which has apprised the nation that the government was henceforth subordinated to public opinion.

Nature, for high purposes, creates and guards the sexual distinction, but keeps it humbly subordinate to still more important ones.

If he ever brings forward a theory he bases it on a mountain of evidence, and he invariably subordinates his feeling to his reason.

Rationalism, you remember, is what I called the way of thinking that methodically subordinates parts to wholes, so Hegel here is rationalistic through and through.

And we learn but slowly to acquiesce in seeing ourselves plainly subordinated to other people.

The press, which was once entirely subordinate politically to parliamentary politics, adopts an attitude towards parliament and party leaders nowadays which would have seemed inconceivable insolence in the days of Lord Palmerston.

But if the doctrines now maintained be correct, the executive must become practically subordinate to the legislative, and the judiciary must become subordinate to both the legislative and the executive; and thus the whole power of the Government would be merged in a single department.

Therefore we cannot call the lower animals free, and the reason why we cannot do so is that they are wanting in a faculty which is profoundly subordinate to the better consciousness in its highest phase, I mean reason.

A new summer is coming and a new adventure; and summer, as all know, is the year itself, the other seasons being purely subordinate.

As a people, it readily subordinates itself, and takes a lord as its head; the workman lets himself be despised; the soldier puts up with flogging.

She was a princess, and he was relatively a subordinate, and, when she requested him to take her to the country club, he gave an embarrassed consent.

Modesty and art find their grandest, simplest labour in rightly subordinating each of those to the others.

Second, the logical arrangement of material should be subordinated to the needs of the pupils.

No other tree in the Sierra forest has foliage so densely massed or presents outlines so firmly drawn and so steadily subordinate to a special type.

The science of Michael Angelo, which in his own mind was sternly subordinated to thought, had already turned the weaker heads of his generation.[303] A false ideal took possession of the fancy, and such criticism as that of Vasari and Pietro Aretino became inevitable.

A thought of this kindthat nature is an embodiment of Reason, that is, unchangeably subordinate to universal lawsappears nowise striking or strange to us.

As it is to be applied and consequently subordinated to something, and does not exist for itself, it would be impossible, except in very rare instances, to introduce in a design a natural object in a realistic manner and not violate some important law of its growth or the conditions of its well-being.

29 adverbs to describe how to  subordinated  - Adverbs for  subordinated