4 adverbs to describe how to suffocate

Zola was accidentally suffocated by charcoal fumes on September 29, 1902.

Just after its discovery, the smoke had loomed up dense and black, as if it were trying to suffocate the flames beneath.

But Genghis was not to be balked of his victims, and his devilish cunning suggested the expedient of lighting straw at the mouth of the cave to suffocate those inside, but the size of the place prevented his plan from taking effect; so he at last commanded a large fragment of rock to be rolled to the mouth of the cavern, adding another as a support, and having thus effectually barred their exit, he cruelly abandoned them to their fate.

Positively I am suffocated with the smell of those creatures!

4 adverbs to describe how to  suffocate  - Adverbs for  suffocate