3 adverbs to describe how to sulks

So the Pardoner sulked awhile and spake not, until, seeing Beltane's hand creep out towards him, he forthwith fell to volubility.

For instance, the Captain always asked his servant if she had fed his cat, and old Rose invariably would sulk and poke out her lips and put off answering to the last possible moment of insolence, then would grumble out that she was jes 'bout to feed the varmint, an' 't wuz funny

HE, (anxiously) And Kiki-the-Demure? SHE, (peremptorily) Kiki sulks, and he hid this morning, so he'll have even less than Toby.

3 adverbs to describe how to  sulks  - Adverbs for  sulks