69 adverbs to describe how to suppresses

Washington inscribed the wish in his will that so baleful an institution might be promptly suppressed.

Mr. BURRELL spoke to this effect:Sir, I am convinced by experience, as well as reason, that so many inconveniencies arise from this method of insurance, that it affords so many opportunities of fraud, and gives such encouragement to negligence, that I shall willingly concur in any measures that may effectually suppress it.

A glance at their faces told Gifford that they were all in a state of scarcely suppressed excitement.

The piracies with which the West India seas were for several years infested have been totally suppressed, but in the Mediterranean they have increased in a manner afflictive to other nations, and but for the continued presence of our squadron would probably have been distressing to our own.

Their schools and institutions have been ruthlessly suppressed or reduced in numbers, their press muzzled, their political development arrested, their culture and traditionsfar more truly autochthonous than those of the conquering Magyar invadershave been discouraged and hampered at every turn.

Again, with all possible respect for the feelings of the living, the biographer has wisely suppressed nothing needed to bring out truthfully the ruggednesses and irregularities that characterize the strong and somewhat one-sided development of genius as contrasted with the regular features and insipid perfectness of things wrought on a small scale.

While one point of explosion is being firmly suppressed, other crackers are spitting and going off.

As they peered down at him they could barely suppress exclamations of surprise.

Still, there was a strong lurking suspicion that the emeute of the negroes had only been temporarily suppressed, and awful forebodings of fire and of blood spread a gloom on the minds of all.

The prayer of the Buddhist was a yearning for deliverance from sorrow, a hope of final rest; but this was not to be attained until desires and passions were utterly suppressed in the soul, which could be effected only by prayer, devout meditations, and a rigorous self-discipline.

Manufactures of this kind, my lords, ought never to be violently or suddenly suppressed.

There was a new light in her own eyes, new decisions presaged, a new desire imperfectly suppressed.

Their colleges were scholastic, and had given rise to preparatory schools, when they were summarily suppressed because of their independent life.

" The gentlemen with the tall hats bit their lips and showed signs of poorly suppressed agitation.

The truth of the story was generally established by the expedient of putting the damsel's name in the last verse,delicately suppressing all but the initial and final letters.

The continuous series of small insurrections, speedily suppressed, which had accompanied his rise to power in later years, was by no means ended with his comparative security.

An impatient exclamation rose to his lips which he suppressed rather badly.

Those who remember the early times of Kentucky know that the place of the agricultural and mechanics' fairs of the present day was supplied by "big meetings," which, under the various names of associations, camp-meetings, and basket-meetings, continued in full popularity to a quite recent period, and were at last partially suppressed on account of the immorality which they occasioned and encouraged.

This was the most glaring inconsistency in the Protestant position; and the claim which they had thrust aside could not be permanently suppressed.

Latent suspicion, and regret unwillingly suppressed, are every where visible; and, in the fond interest taken in this child's life, it seems to be forgotten that it is the lot of man "to pass through nature to eternity," and that it was possible for him to die without being sacrificed by human malice.

"Under the strong rule of the late ameer the country for the most part enjoyed internal peace, but this was broken by the revolt of the Hazaras in 1892, which was severely suppressed.

The journals that allowed themselves to assert the contrary have been prudently suppressed.

Charles himself acknowledges that the publication, as far as it went, was genuine (Evelyn's Memoirs, App. 101); but he also maintains that other papers, which would have served to explain doubtful passages, had been purposely suppressed.

The poet's response to personal experience reveals itself nowhere more than in the political aspect of the Aeneid a fact that is the more remarkable because Vergil lived so long in Epicurean circles where an interest in politics was studiously suppressed.

They were everywhere mercilessly suppressed, and by wholesale torture and crucifixion

69 adverbs to describe how to  suppresses  - Adverbs for  suppresses