17 adverbs to describe how to surmounts

Happily for himself, and for mankind, this excellent person surmounted a constitutional bias to indolence and retirement.

Yet it is but recording the general verdict of all whose judgment is of value, to affirm that Marie Antoinette has triumphantly surmounted it; and that the result of a scrutiny as minute and severe as any to which a human being has ever been subjected, has been greatly to raise her reputation.

But gradually, by patient work and organisation, these early troubles were surmounted.

It is built in the Ionic style of Greek architecture; has a massive pillared front; is railed round, has an easy and respectable entrance, andgetting worse as it gets higheris surmounted with a small bell turret and a chimney.

Naturally enough, good shoulders, sound hind-quarters, more than fair legs and feet, and excellent jackets were to be found in abundance, but as the body was almost invariably surmounted by a very short and wedge-shaped head and jaw, often accompanied with a pair of heavy, round ears, an undershot mouth, and a light, full eye, it will be realised that the general appearance of the dog was not prepossessing.

Mary was excessively tired when she got about half way up Skiddaw; but we came to a cold rill (than which nothing can be imagined more cold, running over cold stones), and with the reinforcement of a draught of cold water she surmounted it most manfully.

In the Doric architecture of the ground story, the usual magnificence of this order is wanting; the columns being merely surmounted by what is termed "an architrave cornice," with the mutiles; while the frieze, with its rich triglyphs and metopes is altogether omitted.

But this we knowthat every test of courage successfully met, every strain of endurance steadily borne, every trial of loyalty nobly surmounted, leaves courage braver, endurance stronger, loyalty truer, than each was before.

So I, that know this worlds inconstancies, Sith onely God surmounts all times decay, In God alone my confidence do stay.

To the left and right are two othersboth surmounted with eagles, their heads half turned toward the grave and tranquil emperor.

Impossibility is a formidable sound to ignorance and cowardice; but experience has often discovered, that it is only a sound uttered by those who have nothing else to say; and courage readily surmounts those obstacles that sink the lazy and timorous into despair.

" They emerged again to discover more siren-surmounted towers, more red huts, and then the clustering villas of the outer suburbs.

The Virginia Central Road crosses the Blue Ridge by grades of 250 and 295 feet per mile; and the ridge through which the Kingwood Tunnel is bored, upon the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was surmounted temporarily by grades of 500 feet per mile, up which each single car was drawn by a powerful locomotive.

The bed is elegantly surmounted with baronial coronets, but it was Byron's and I cared nothing for the coronets, though all the conveniences of the apartment were delightful.

Her distemper resisted for the present all attempts to assuage it, though there was reason to hope that the goodness of her constitution, assisted by tranquillity and the kindness of those about her, would ultimately surmount it.

Within, huge fireplaces, once surmounted externally by chimneys, are set across the four corners, making the interior altogether an octagon.

A hardy, summer-flowering, bulbous plant 3 ft. to 4 ft. in height, gracefully surmounted with from twenty to fifty pendent, bell-shaped snow-white flowers.

17 adverbs to describe how to  surmounts  - Adverbs for  surmounts