5 adverbs to describe how to swindles

But the world will be inclined to say that these poor money-lenders have been awfully swindled.

Every wastrel I sent off empty-handed was my enemy; the agents of the Englishmen looked sourly at me; and many a man who was swindled grossly by the Bristol buyers saw me as a marauder instead of a benefactor.

There is a proverb in Tiflis that "It takes two Jews to rob an Armenian, two Armenians to rob a Persian," and the "accursed Faringi" is mercilessly swindled whenever he ventures upon a bargain.

To be humble, to be obedient, to be charitable, under such direction, is to be contentedly ignorant, pitiably abject, and notoriously swindled.

This spectacle confirmed his worst fearshe had been twice swindled outrageously.

5 adverbs to describe how to  swindles  - Adverbs for  swindles