4 adverbs to describe how to tagged

His excuse for following was the bag, his reason for leaving the volcanic condition of its owner's temper, coupled with the fact that he appeared to be sublimely ignorant that the most devoted steward in the world was tagging faithfully along a yard or two in the rear.

It tags everything plainly.

He was tremendously businesslike, and Muskwa, tagging bravely along behind, wondered if he were never going to stop; if there could be anything in the whole wide world finer for a big grizzly and a little tan-faced cub than these wonderful sunlit slopes which Thor seemed in such great haste to leave.

And accordingly they appeared, duly tagged, in Dryden's operatic masque, the State of Innocence.

4 adverbs to describe how to  tagged  - Adverbs for  tagged