8 adverbs to describe how to tenacious

(As a matter of fact, oak leaves are singularly tenacious, and the autumnal oak will show a thousand for the elm's one.

Each little Principality was jealously tenacious of its local rights, or, as we should say, of its vested interests, as against the common interests of Germany.

And the strange phenomenon was obviously present to his clear and candid mind, though he treated it as one which is disappearing, and must at length pass away, that precisely here in England, where the only religious authority he recognises has been thrown off, the hold of religion on public interest is most effective and most obstinately tenacious.

relentlessly Tenacious of their store, they shut him out, 'Midst desart Famine, and ferocious Beasts, To guard his life and till the steril soil; And thus extend the range of human feet.

But letters were the passion of Macaulay, from his youth up; and his remarkably tenacious memoryabnormal, as it seems to meenabled him to bring his vast store of facts to support plausibly any position he chose to take.

Few divined in him the secretly tenacious love of nature that had been fostered by years spent in the forests and jungles of the eastern world.

He was ingenious, fearless, and exceedingly tenacious of purpose, so that when he was still young, his name became notorious upon the American coast.

We know, on the contrary, that in no respect are these races so stubbornly tenacious of old customs as in their sexual relations.

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