10 adverbs to describe how to theological

From very early times a tendency to divergence existed, arising from the tone of thought of the dominant races in the two, the more speculative Greeks being chiefly occupied with purely theological questions, while the more practical Roman mind devoted itself rather to subjects connected with the nature and destiny of man.

The Catholic and Protestant divines differ chiefly on the ideas pertaining to government and ecclesiastical institutions, and the various inventions of the Middle Ages to uphold the authority of the Church, not on dogmas strictly theological.

The principal old buildings of Morocco are defensive and religiousand under the latter term the beautiful collegiate houses (the medersas) of Fez and Salé may fairly be included, since the educational system of Islam is essentially and fundamentally theological.

Although his reading in these solitary hours was of course mainly theological, he always kept fresh his interest in the classical studies of his youth.

With the former, it was a mere question of dogmatic forms or of the necessity for some form of religion; with the latter, he entered upon a more peculiarly theological order of ideas, such as the attributes proper to each of the three divine persons, and other mystical subjects.

In the same way free thought, the refusal of thought to be controlled by any authority but its own, has a definitely theological reference.

The Faust Book of 1587, the earliest collection of these tales, is of prevailingly theological character.

We shall not discuss the specifically theological achievements of this many-sided man, nor his great services in behalf of the philological knowledge of the history of philosophythrough his translation of Plato, 1804-28, and a series of valuable essays on Greek thinkersbut shall confine our attention to the leading principles of his theory of knowledge, of religion, and of ethics.

* "Behold, how Pleasant a Thing 't is," etc. Boston has a couple of clergymen who have fallen out upon matters not precisely theological.

The principal old buildings of Morocco are defensive and religiousand under the latter term the beautiful collegiate houses (the medersas) of Fez and Salé may fairly be included, since the educational system of Islam is essentially and fundamentally theological.

10 adverbs to describe how to  theological  - Adverbs for  theological