16 adverbs to describe how to thrashes

Another on a certain Saturday called a meeting of his vestry, and when they refused to take some action which he desired, thrashed them all soundly, and on the next day added insult to injury by preaching to them from the text, "And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair."

So he prepared a great whip and with it he severely thrashed the trees.

Bluff was swinging his blanket vigorously, and thrashing the fire with it effectively; though he might later on have some difficulty in getting rid of the smudges that this process necessarily produced.

But she did not darethey thrashed about so madly.

However, if any boy was too rough or took advantage of a girl smaller than himself, he was promptly thrashed by his fellows.

And yet with all this improvement the corn can scarcely be thrashed out at a profit.

He thrashed the poor fellow most terribly, and I believe would have killed him had not I stayed his hand.

He stood stock-still at one end, while the fellows nearest him thrashed him unmercifully with the heavy knots.

The English army experienced whatever of pleasure there may be in a panic, or rather in a pair of panics, at the grand Battle of Fontenoy, (May 11, 1745,) on which field they were so unutterably thrashed by the French and the Irish.

In a single round Montagu had utterly thrashed, and stricken to the earth, and forced to beg for mercy, his cumbrous and brutal opponent.

When you see a poor cabman on a winter-day, soaked with rain, and fevered with gin, violently thrashing the wretched horse he is driving, and perhaps howling at it, you may be sure that it is just because the poor cabman is so miserable that he is doing all that.

We must give up the idea of thrashing the Hillers for awhile, because there are not enough of us; but I should like it, if we could go to work and whip every one of those fellows that stuck up for Lee Powell to-night, especially Frank Nelson."

You wonot thrash your men? Un.

Were I a man, I should thrash you joyfully.

And so it came to pass that five seconds later, Caesar was being mercilessly thrashed by his enraged master, while the real culprit was being dragged, cursing breathlessly, from the scene.

Frederick was obliged to hear much of this from other boys; then he would howl and strike any one who was near; once he even cut some one with his little knife and was, on this occasion, pitilessly thrashed.

16 adverbs to describe how to  thrashes  - Adverbs for  thrashes