11 adverbs to describe how to tidy

" Mr. Vickers darted upstairs with alacrity, and having made himself approximately tidy smoked a morning pipe on the doorstep while his daughter got ready.

Mother Nature is beautifully tidy if you leave her alone.

She was comparatively tidy and neat again; the dust was gone from her boots, even.

A certain Friday evening early in February found me listlessly tidying up the shop; for the Jewish Sabbath had begun and customers were few.

"The boys" no longer came to the table in their shirt-sleeves, for Melinda always had their coats in sight, just where it was handy to put them on, and the trousers were slipped down over the boots while the boys ate, and the soft brown Markham hair always looked smooth and shining, and Mrs. Markham tidied herself a little before coming to the table, no matter how heavy her work, and never

* One should be mentally clear, morally pure, and physically tidy.

No doubt the German nursing sisters who were brought here tried at first, with their German love for orderliness, to keep the interior reasonably tidy; but they had been swamped by more important tasks.

She was very industrious, and remarkably tidy in her habits.

Everything is plain, and stringently tidy; everything is a special item, separately acquired, treasured.

Allerdyke had always known his cousin for a man of unusually tidy and methodical habits; the evidence of that orderliness was there, where he had pitched his camp for presumably a single night.

I went there, and stood before the fire surveying the room, which looked unwontedly tidy, the table being almost free from books and papers.

11 adverbs to describe how to  tidy  - Adverbs for  tidy