11 adverbs to describe how to tingles

The blood was tingling consciously in many cheeks, and not even a breath could be heard in the deep expectation of that anxious and solemn moment.

Even at that distance he heard the cry, and, throwing up his hand with a shout that tingled faintly up to them, he spurred straight up the slope toward them.

The blood tingled more rapidly, more hotly, through the body!

"I could hear the electric bell tingle somewhere inside.

There was no sound, and yet he could acutely feel that presence; insistently his nerves tingled the warning of another's nearness.

The nervous energy thus suppressed rushed to all the surface of his body and made his skin tingle maddeningly.

Deacon's nerves tingled pleasantly in response to the glamour of the hour.

Eric did so, and the cane tingled sharply across his palm.

Just as it struck eight, and the hum of the clock in the hall died away, a little tune in harmony, like a gavotte, was played by softly-tingling tiny bells.

Howland had not spoken a word, but every nerve in his body tingled strangely.

A moment later he struck the deck, his hands tingling warmly from the friction.

11 adverbs to describe how to  tingles  - Adverbs for  tingles