21 adverbs to describe how to triumphant

I stared at them speechless, wondering how they got there, and, looking up, met the coldly triumphant eyes of the detective.

After the most brilliant, the most continually and invariably triumphant of reigns, he began to see Fortune slipping away from him, and the grievous consequences of his errors successively overwhelming the state.

"He is badly off now, then," say I, presently, with a faintly triumphant accent.

I remember now," Arthur said, falsely triumphant.

The touch of restive scorn that could come out on Martha Josselyn's face just suited her part; and Leonard Brookhouse was very cool and courteous, and handsome and gentlemanly-triumphant as the Union officer.

A fire in the country, in the dead of night, to those first awakened to the knowledge of it, is a stealthily fearful, horribly triumphant thing.

At that she was wildly, almost hysterically, triumphant.

Half senseless with dismay, Amena finds shelter in the house of Alovisa, who, though inwardly triumphant, receives her rival civilly and promises to reconcile her to her father.

This, however, is not the sentiment, at once affectionate and joyously triumphant, of the old legend.

After that Queen Mary had made her entry, which was mighty triumphant, into Paris, and that there had taken place many jousts and tourneys, which lasted more than six weeks, the good king, because of his wife, changed all his manner of living: he had been wont to dine at eight, and he now dined at midday; he had been wont to go to bed at six in the evening, and he often now went to bed at midnight.

Next there emerged from the brush a flushed and triumphant little boy, and after him came a somewhat less flushed and less obviously triumphant man.

He broke off, breathing hard, yet in a fashion oddly triumphant, as if in vindicating the girl he had somehow vindicated himself also.

Has his own experience given him any right to talk superciliously to a great party overwhelmingly triumphant in the Free States?

Could this dainty creature, with beauty scarred and yet powerfully triumphant, be the victim of an hallucination as to the cause of that scar and the awesome circumstances which attended its infliction?

The second tale, however, as we have remarked, is more adapted to the talents of the author, and his success has been proportionably triumphant.

He was never ready for an advance and he always felt proudly triumphant, after having come into touch with the enemy, that he had accomplished the task of saving his army.

My present results, I was aware, would seem a sadly triumphant confirmation to the clearsighted instinct of orthodoxy.

Surely we ought to take it to heart that that kind of pacification, based upon principles operating equally all over the land, which lovers of their country yearn for, and which our arms, though signally triumphant, did not bring about, and which law-making, however anxious, or energetic, or repressive, never by itself can achieve, may yet be largely aided by generosity of sentiment public and private.

Flem Certainly, a Tontine isa Tontine is(helplessly) What the devil is a Tontine? Peacock (smugly triumphant)

We should, properly speaking, have been uproariously triumphant over our victory.

At that she was wildly, almost hysterically, triumphant.

21 adverbs to describe how to  triumphant  - Adverbs for  triumphant